As the song begins, a girl can be seen in a rose blush colored night gown that falls around her thighs. Her fair hair is tussled as if she had just woken up. She's barefoot on the dark wooden floor of an empty ballroom. Daylight falls through the row of ceiling-high windows.
The girl stands, unmoving at first, as if frozen in place. Only her eyes move through the room, and her chest moves steadily with every breath she takes.
Then the light hits her body from behind and sketches her shadow onto the opposite wall, a clear silhouette, depicting the girl's body.
She raises a hand, and seemingly out of nowhere, another appears.
The hand pulls her out of her motionless trance, into a warm embrace.
The figure of a man can be seen from behind. Glances of a shoulder, the nape of his neck, his hand around hers.
And although he seems to be there, he can not be seen clearly. Parts of him are out of sight, as the girl and boy dance a swaying, slow waltz.The song continues, and the dancers move to it as if it has been written just for them.
Their shadows intertwine and overlap, like smoke of a fire or light flares in glass. Two beings, one love.
In the shadow, the pair turns to dance a more complicated dance, the figure of the young man constantly slipping just out of the girl's reach. She is searching for him, desperately wanting to hold onto him. Her hands reach out for him. She spins, hoping he'd guide her back into his arms. He does for a swift moment, before lifting her in the air. The girl is flying, light as air, light as a feather.
The girl's hair reflects the light, her clear features in harsh contrast to his blurred lines.
Their feet tap over the floor, never too far apart, yet never too close either. Lights seems to go right through him, but her hand lingers on his arms, on his shoulders. He is real and yet he isn't. He is here and yet he isn't.The young man steps in and out of the girl's vision, his presence unsteady.
She longs to hold onto him, yearns to feel his hands around hers just one more time. As they dance a series of steps that leads them all through the room, their bodies can be seen performing a beautiful set of movements. Flowing. Slender. Tragically rendered in love and loss.
As the melody comes to a climax, the features of the unknown man start to disappear and blur away further.
As the cold daylight hits his body, he seems to turn to specks of dust. He starts to disappear.
The girl does not seem to notice, her eyes are closed. She's spinning, the feeling of his hands on her arms still vibrant in her mind. She can't fall, she can't hurt herself, for he will be there to catch her.
Their shadows on the walls show her leaning into him, as he offers her his hand once more. She reaches out to take it, her shadow dark fingers intertwining with his, and they sink into the ever-known steps of a slow waltz, the most romantic dance of all.The bittersweet tragic song ends, and all that's left is a girl all by herself, swaying with her arms raised, in an empty ballroom. As the last note sounds, she finally opens her eyes. She's frozen again, standing motionless in the cold light, numbed by the realization that her feet won't dance as they did with him.

Letters On Our Skin || BangChan
FanfictionOlivia is content with her life. She has a job that pays her bills, even though she absolutely hates it. She gives free dance classes twice a week, even though she dreams of doing more than that with her talent. Everything is... acceptable. But...