Olivia is content with her life.
She has a job that pays her bills, even though she absolutely hates it.
She gives free dance classes twice a week, even though she dreams of doing more than that with her talent.
Everything is... acceptable.
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OliviaPark can't commit to anything, what a crime 863.583 likes 10.389 comments
@OliviaPark on Instagram Stories
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@OliviaPark on YouTube The video starts by showing Olivia sitting in front of the mirror in a training room. She is wearing a mask over her face, one hand is holding the camera. The other is waving to herself. "Hello," she says, "Welcome to another vlog with me. It's currently nine a.m. and I am at work. It's Sunday." She sighs and plays with her hair. She rolls onto her back, her face taking up most of the screen. "They say you never work a day if you love what you do... they lied. I love what I'm doing, I love my life. But, honestly, sometimes there just aren't enough hours in a day. Which is why I'm here the only day of the week I'm off." A few clips are cut together, then, showing her practice. She is going over different choreographies without revealing too much. Then she's walking outside, filming herself walking the streets of Seoul. "There's a bakery here around the corner," she says and films a tiny bakery in a white building with pink chairs and tables in front of the entrance. "And it makes cheesecake that tastes just like the one my mom used to bring home back when we lived in America. She stopped by the bakery back then almost every week to get me a piece of that cheesecake because I loved it so much. So that's what we're doing right now." She purchases two pieces of cake. Then Olivia gets into a car and removes her mask. "We're bringing my dad the cake, and maybe we can eat together. So, now we're going to drive across town to get to his apartment." She sighs and makes faces into the camera. "I haven't driven my own car in a hot minute. Usually someone from the company drives me home or I call an Uber or something," she adds. "I'm a little nervous I forgot how to parallel park." The next second, Olivia films her car, showing everyone how she parked her car into a narrow space. Her left back tire is across the line, the front right corner of her car bumping into a parking spot pole. "I give up." She sighs behind the camera. "I'm not going to change it. It'll have to do, I'm not about to roll out of this spot just to try and force myself back into it. This is how it's going to stay now." The video shows her father opening his door and how the two of them greet each other lovingly. They share the cheesecake on her father's balcony. Olivia's dad is never completely shown to hide his identity, but the two talk and joke. While they chat, the camera is facing Olivia only, and sometimes she winks or smiles into the camera. After she leaves her father's place, Olivia gets back to her car to find a parking ticket on her front window. "I'm never driving again," she states as she films herself sitting in her car, "This is literally a sign. I am never going to drive again. I'm going to sell this car and invest the money in a personal driver. This is so humiliating, I want to... throw myself into a fire or something." She starts the car and drives home. The last part of the video shows Olivia sitting at the window in her kitchen. She has her knees pulled up to her chest and holds a cup of tea. The sky beyond the glass is turning from blue to anemone lilac, and Olivia smiles. The screen turns black. Only the words 'See you soon :)' are written across it in white letters.
@OliviaPark on Instagram
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OliviaPark flashback to long-haired Ollie ca. April 2021 937.412 likes 503.286 comments