Kiss me in the rain

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"Yeah, you don't like it?"

Minho was smiling hardcore, his cheeks were actually starting to hurt from it. He had never expected Jisung to be this romantic, but he couldn't complain. He was loving every second of this evening so far.

Now Minho held on to Jisungs arm and pulled him in. He scanned over the movie programme, there were a lot of different ones playing, but his main interest were the Horror movies. He had always loved them, loved the little kick of adrenaline and the feeling of then later being outside again, alone. The rush.

Jisung next to him followed his gaze and saw where it landed. Oh no.

He did not like Horror movies, not that he was particularly scared of it, but he was scared of it. He just couldn't tell that Minho, he would surely laugh about it.

"Can we watch this one."

Jisung prayed. But his prayers weren't fulfilled, and it was the worst looking one.

"Of course we can."

So they bought the tickets, or Jisung did, pushing Minho back when he wanted to pay for it.

Minho insisted on buying the snacks, so they got some popcorn and soda. Jisung had a bad feeling in his stomach already.

Minho talked about some movies he had seen before, and it actually made Jisung forget about his worry for a second. He felt light again while listening to Minho. So when they sat down he felt at ease, sadly that stopped when the movie started playing. He pressed himself into the seat and froze.

Of course they couldn't have went in easily and soft, no literally the first scene was already horrific.

And Minho chuckled, he fucking chuckled. Jisung felt as if he would throw up soon if the movie continued like this.

Minho looked over to Jisung, it was as if he felt some sort of tension. And there was Jisung, gripping on to the his soda bottle as if his life depended on it. Then a scream was heard from the movie screen, and Jisung flinched.

So he really was scared, the bad looking Jisung was scared of Horror movies. Minho looked at him with pure adoration, maybe the wrong moment but he found it absolutely sweet that Jisung actually was sort of a Softie.

Jisung was starting to look away more, he watched the floor, the popcorn, tried to read the ingredients of his drink and stared at his shoes. After a while he felt a soft touch on his thigh, it was Minhos hand resting on it. Before he could do or say anything about it Minho bent over to him.

"Aww is my Jisungie scared of Horror movies?"

"I knew you would laugh." Jisung looked away in embarassement.

Minho realized he had hit a sore spot.

He softly squeezed Jisungs thigh in reassurance. "You should've told me, we could've chosen a different one. You don't have to do this because of me."

Jisung shook his head. "It's alright."

Jisung took Minhos hand that was resting on his leg, and started playing with his fingers, tracing different lines on Minhos palm and distracting himself with that. So they continued on with watching the movie.

Well Minho was watching it.

But shortly after half of the movie was done, it got even more creepy and brutal. And Jisung of course couldn't blend out the noise aswell.

Suddenly Minho stood up and grabbed Jisungs hand. He got everything from their seats.

"Let's go."

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