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*TW mention of Sexual harassment

Surrounded by dark as he closed his eyes, he never felt more lonely. Even if he wasn't the only person standing here. His back hit the wall, the trap was successfully pulled through. It made him feel claustrophobic, the sudden limited space making his breathing unsteady.

Lips all over his body, but they weren't from the person he wanted them to be. The Person he desired them to be was not here. They were not stopping, no matter how much he screamed and cried. Nobody was there to protect him. He was alone. Alone in a dark room, with a stranger who was touching him. There was no way to escape.

The rather big hands did not let out any space on his body. Harsh and unloving touches, only pleasing the one who was giving and not the one receiving. A suffocating feeling.

While he had first tried to get out of this, he had soon realized it was not possible. The strangers grip was too strong, his body grew weaker and weaker with every second he tried to unwind himself.

There was no point in fighting.

Right now he wished he would pass, letting his soul leave to another place, a more beautiful and safe place. Just how they describe it in the movies and books, a white light should be here, leading him to where the world was empty of evil.

He had to try once again, just one last chance. He screamed out.


But he wasn't there, he couldn't protect him. Now that he needed it the most, he didn't feel the body getting yanked away from him, he didn't see the other coming towards him in order to safe him. Did he feel betrayed? Yes. But at the same time he didn't. He couldn't blame Jisung, he had gotten into this situation himself.

"I'm here baby."

Slowly the world was turning black, hands leaving his body. He was pulled out of the moment.

Jisung had woken up from Minhos movements. At first he thought the older was just trying to get more comfortable in his sleep, but soon he realized that this was not the case.

He was turning around anxiously, clutching the blankets harshly. Jisung used the brightness of his phone to look closely at Minho.

A thin layer of sweat covered his forehead. His eyes were squeezed shut, pain was written over his face. Jisung had seen Minho distressed, angry and sad. But this much pain, and all of it because of a nightmare, it was entirely different.

Jisung knew that he shouldn't aggressively pull Minho out of this as it could really unsettle him, but there was no way he could watch this any longer.

So gently he shook Minho, trying to get him out of the dream. But the older didn't react to it. His lips parted and closed again. Faint whispers leaving his mouth. Jisung got closer to him, trying to make out what the older was saying.

"Ji- Jisung." Very quiet mumbles, really hard to figure out. But once Jisung did he wrapped his arms around the boy, pulling him very tight to his chest. He shook him again, while constantly repeating the same words.

"I'm here Minho."

"I'm here darling."

"I'm here baby."

Finally Minho could escape. And when he managed to tear open his eyes, he was met once again with darkness. But he felt two strong arms wrapped around him, and heard the others heartbeat from being close to his chest. Enough to make his breathing steady, to lower his high heartrate and to calm his mind.

Lips met his forehead, soft and gentle. Just enough skin contact that would not be overwhelming.

Jisung knew that Minho had woken up, the release of his tense body very obvious to how close they were.

Minho tried to look up to where he expected Jisungs face to be. "Sorry for waking you up Sungie." He whispered.

"Don't worry about it, did you have a nightmare?" Jisungs voice was raspy from the deep sleep, it made goosebumps wander over Minhos skin. Still the images of his dream flashed before his eyes.

Minho nodded, and then realized Jisung couldn't actually see him, so he hummed out. "Mhm."

"Do you want to tell me about it?" Jisung was hesistant, not wanting to push Minho.

"Well it was kind of a replay of the night at the party where you left. This guy was just-" His voice broke off.

It was only a dream Minho.

He took a deep breath before going on. "He was touching me, and I was screaming for you. But you weren't there."

Jisungs grip tightened on Minhos waist, he was holding on to him strongly. Hearing those words once again and knowing that it still affected Minho. Jisung felt guilty again for leaving Minho alone that night.

"Jisung stop thinking, it was not your fault, you saved me after all." Minho reassured Jisung.

They were holding each other tight, not wanting to loosen up the embrace. It felt comfortable.


Now Jisungs hand was finding Minhos cheek, lightly tapping it so he knew he was at the right place. Then Minho felt chapped lips on his own. And as if his body already knew on its own, he kissed back. Very slowly and gently, exchanging silent love confessions once again.

Jisung pulled away, but stayed close to Minho. "Now try to sleep again babe, i'll hold you until you do so."

"I hope you hold me longer than only until I fall asleep."

Jisung chuckled, ignoring the butterflies that were flying around in his stomach. "Of course I will. I love you Minho."

"I love you too Sungie."

No more words were needed, they fell into a comfortable silence. Minho thought he would struggle with falling back asleep, that his mind would keep him up and the images would get burnt into his mind. But all it took was listening to Jisungs heartbeat and slow breathing for him to get so tired again that he let himself get consumed by the sleep.

This time dreaming about nothing.

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