Forget it

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When Minho woke up he needed a minute to figure out where he was.

Then he realized, wasn't he in Jisungs home?

And he wore his clothes.

The kiss

What about the kiss?

Before trying to think about everything in detail he decided to check his phone. There weren't many messages but one that completely woke him up.

3 unread messages 3 Hours ago from: Seungmin the Prey in "Roommates"

Hi guys, just wanted to tell you that i'm safe lol

Are you okay though? I just left without telling you sorry.

1 hour later

Still sleeping? I'm coming home soon btw

It was a terrible thing to say, but he forgot to text Seungmin. It was always at the back of his mind but he didn't text him. But it seems as if Seungmin forgot too so they were equal.

He sent a message in the groupchat

Yeah me and lix are at the other guys place lot of shit went down yesterday

Glad you're safe, idk when we are coming home but we'll text you

Now he turned around and cuddled up in the blanket for a second.

The scent of it was really strong, but it smelled exactly like Jisung. A wave of comfort washed over him.

Now what should he do about the kiss?

He decided to first see if Jisung would say anything. So finally he threw himself out of the bed and left the room, luckily the living room was right next to it so he wouldn't have to search for it.

And there already were all of the others. There was a random talkshow playing in the tv, but nobody was really watching it.

Felix was playing with Changbins hair, who was laying in his lap, trying to watch a bit of the tv show. Jisung was on the balcony, smoking and talking to someone on the phone.

Who could he be talking to?

And there were noises from the room next door, and when Minho walked into it he saw Chan doing the dishes.

"Oh you ate already?"

From that sound Chan turned around, seeing Minho in the doorframe. "Yeah but we didn't eat together, theres stuff in the fridge and in the cabinets. Take what you want to." Chan pointed to it.

Minho nodded and hesistantly opened the fridge and then the cabinets. He decided to go for simple cereal.

"The milk isn't expired is it?" Minho looked at Chan suspiciously, he knew nobody but himself who always checked the milk. He was still traumatized from when Seungmin forgot to throw it away and Minho drank it. Let's say his stomach and bowel system wasn't really happy with it.

"It shouldn't be, smell it." Chan laughed.

So Minho did, it smelled normal so he poured it into the cereal. Then he went back to the living room and sat on some bean bag that was right in front of the couch.

"I'm telling you I met this person and I don't know what is happening to me." Jisung spoke into his phone.

It was really cold and the hoodie he was wearing didn't really protect him from the wind. He shivered.

"Tell me about him." The voice answered.

Jisung was irritated. "Why do you think it's a guy?"

"I am your mother Jisung. When you meet a girl you always say: Yeah I met this girl, she's pretty chill. That's quite a difference."

Jisung laughed, brushing of the thoughts that came into the back of his head.

About sexuality and stuff.

Not now.

"He is a friend of a client of mine. He works at a cafe pretty close to the tattoo shop. I don't know I just feel like we get along really well. We haven't met a lot yet but I still feel something, i'm not sure what though."

Now it was his mothers turn to giggle.

"Jisung have you ever heard of love? Butterflies? Gosh sometimes I really doubt if you have a brain. What you're describing sounds like having a crush."

"But I don't know if that's love, I just feel weird. Like I start to sweat and stuff like that."

Now Jisungs mother laughed loudly, causing Jisung to hold his phone away of his ear.

"Ah my ear!"

"Jisung what do I do with you. Have you never felt this way with your past girlfriends?"

Jisung thought about it. He had felt comfortable around them, but he was never this nervous when talking to someone. His heart never jumped out of his chest every time he had eye contact with them. And he never wanted to hold somebody this bad. Just holding.

"It was never like this."

"What is his name?" His mother asked curiously.

"Minho." Even when only mentioning his name Jisung had to smile.

He heard noise in the background of his mothers location.

"Jisung I have to hang up now my boyfriend is back. I would love to hear more from Minho soon. Update me." His mother giggled.

"Of course momma. Have a good day. Love you."

"Love you too. Visit me soon. Bye."

And with that they hung up. Jisung put his phone in the pocket of his pants and decided to smoke one more cigarette before going in.

Minho watched Jisung from inside. And when he saw that Jisung put away his phone he went opened the balcony door, stepping out into the cold air.

He shivered immediately.

When Jisung heard the door open he turned his head to it.

He saw Minho, and his heart decided to escalate again. Stupid Thing.

He gave him a small smile, which Minho returned.

They were both silent. Not knowing how to start the conversation.

"Hi." Minho then said softly.

Jisungs heart officially exploded, he needed a new one. The hi was too adorable.

Jisung sat down on the lounge, where they had sat previous night. He patted on the spot next to him. Then he returned the greeting.

"Hi Minho, I hope you slept well."

Minho sat down and leaned back, he nodded. "I did thank you."

Jisung also nodded. Now turning his focus to his cigarette. He took another drag and breathed it down to his lungs.

"I don't have to tell you that it's not healthy, do I?"

"No Minho, I am completely aware."

Jisung stretched himself, opening up his arms and laying one arm over Minhos shoulder.

"Smooth Jisung, smooth." Minho giggled.

Jisung grinned too but he didn't say anthing, just enjoyed the moment while Minho leaned into him.

Then Chan opened the balcony door.

"Hey guys come inside now, you're going to get sick. And Felix wants to watch a movie so if you want to join you're more than welcome to."

So they slowly got up and Minho went to the door.

Before he opened it he turned his head to Jisung.

"Hey can I ask you something?"

Jisung tilted his head. "Of course, what is it?"

Minho seemed to think about it again, then he shook his head.

"Forget it."

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