You make me believe

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*Changlix again, tw mention of past drug abuse


Changbin finally stopped walking in a fast speed, slowing down.

Felix, who had screamed after him and chased him for minutes breathed out relieved, finally he caught up to him. "Sorry for screaming at you."

Changbin looked up from the ground, meeting Felix eyes.

Still the younger looked at him so softly and with so much care.

Changbin had been so scared that something in Felix would change now that he had seen this incident. But it seemed as if he did not care at all. Felix did the opposite of what Changbin had expected, he pulled him into a tight hug. "I'm sorry that you got triggered today, I should've pulled you away earlier."

Changbin hugged him back, still confused at the reaction. He rested his head on Felix shoulder, his body automatically relaxing as the others hand stroked his neck and back.

"Lets sit down now for a minute, i'm tired of running around." Felix pulled them both down to the ground on the luckily dry grass. Instead of talking he rested his head on Changbins shoulder and took his hand in his own. He wanted Changbin to make the first move and wanted to show him he's still comfortable with him.

"I'm sorry for acting like that. I got overwhelmed."

Felix met Changbins eyes, them carrying so much sadness.

"Go on Changbin, i'm listening."

Changbin sighed, the younger deserved to know the truth and he had to tell him sooner or later. Especially if he made a move on him.

"I'm being completely honest with you now, I hope you won't hate me afterwards." He sighed.

"Changbin I could never hate you." Felix whispered the words softly and it made Changbin feel reassured. So he started.

"Some time ago I kind of fell into the wrong path, I had a friend who always had drugs with him at parties, but I never tried them. Especially as Jisung was often with me at that time and he stayed away from them. And then one time I went alone, and I tried cocaine. It was a stupid decision, as I started doing it more often at parties after that. Jisung was very mad at me, he had screamed and cried when he found out that I did it regularly. One time became every weekend. Then in the middle of the week, then almost every day."

Felix was watching him, trying his best to comfort him with stroking his hand.

"One day Jisung tried to stop me again, and I got so mad I hit him. I still feel bad when I think about it. But he never blamed me, he had always only blamed the drugs. And right after I hit him I finally realized what the drug was doing to me. Jisung himself wasn't in the best state of mind at that time and when I look back I probably was one of the reasons why. After that he took his distance from me, we still hung out but whenever he knew I was on drugs he left immediately. I almost lost my bestfriend because of my stupid addiction."

It was his first time opening up about this to another person alone. Normally he always had Jisung on his side. His hands were shaking slightly, but with Felix it felt different. He felt comfortable sharing his past and reliving his worst moments. Still it hurt him to think about his and Jisungs friendship at that time. He layed back, his back hitting the hard ground. Looking up the sky was cloudy, a few stars shining through a thick layer of grey.

He heard a quiet thump next to him, Felix had now layed back aswell, his gaze up in the sky too. Felix scooted closer to him, making their arms touch. Changbin wasn't even wearing a jacket and despite it being cold outside, his skin still felt warm.

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