Revealed stories

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When Jisung was on his way home, the only two things he could think of were one: Minhos lips and two: a shower.

He felt as if the cold now dug underneath his flesh and crept up his bones. He shivered non-stop, his clothes stuck on him and his hair fell into his eyes, rain dripping down from it. He hugged himself to protect himself from getting even colder, walking as fast as he could, so he could be home soon. Hopefully he wouldn't get sick.

Finally he arrived at the 3racha Apartment. Shaking he searched for his keys, unlocking the door. And as if they had been waiting to hear the Sound of the keys turning in the keyhole and Jisung coming home, Changbin and Chan slided into the hallway.

They checked Jisung out from head to toes and saw how drenched he was, so they stepped back, leaving the questions for later. Chan motioned to the bathroom door, signaling him to take a hot shower first.

Jisung nodded and left to the bathroom with a small smile still painted over his face. It hadn't left since he said goodbye to Minho.

As soon as the door closed Changbin and Chan exchanged looks, Jisungs chapped and red lips didn't go unnoticed by them. The smile just gave it away even more. But right now most important part was for Jisung to get warm. So Chan made him his favourite tea while Changbin got some of Jisungs dry clothes and put them on the heater to warm them up.

Jisung slowly took off his wet hoodie, the sound of it landing on the ground making a loud thump. He looked at himself in the mirror, brushing his thumb over his lips. It felt as if Minhos lips just got away a few seconds ago, the feeling of the kiss still prominent. Jisung had contemplated about asking Minho to sleep over at his, so that he could maybe, just maybe kiss him again and just have him by his side. But he wanted to take things slow, he also didn't want Minho to get uncomfortable with anything he was doing.

He undressed completely and stood into the hot shower water, letting it wash away the cold. It trickled down his body, making his skin burn. He leaned his head against the shower wall, thinking about what all had happened this evening. It was absolutely perfect.

He had wanted it to never stop, but here he was alone.

Changbin entered the bathroom, ripping Jisung out of his thoughts. The other just laid his dry clothes on to the bathroom sink, and then walked out again without saying anything. Jisung was glad, he had completely forgotten about getting fresh clothes as he only wanted to feel the hot shower water running down his body.

He decided to get out, drying himself before taking the clothes. They were warm. Changbin warmed them up for him. It's the little things like these that made Jisung think their friendship was something really special. Changbin had always been so attentive. And of course Chan too, he bet that the older made him something warm to drink.

When he stepped out of the bathroom he saw that he was right. Both of his friends sat on the couch with mugs in front of them and a blanket spread across them. Jisung walked over to them, getting in the middle, taking the mug and covering his legs with the blanket.

They were both just looking at him expectingly. So he told them everything, only shortly stopping right before the story of their kiss would come.

"And then you kissed." Changbin clapped into his hands, jumping out of excitement for his friend.

Jisung laughed quietly.


Chan had to laugh at Changbins outbreak but still nodded eagerly, agreeing to what he had said. Or screamed.

"Guys believe me i'm on cloud nine right now, I still can't believe it happened. But this was the best kiss i've ever had, right after it coming our first kiss."

"Wait this wasn't your first time kissing him?"

Jisung giggled, he had never told them about the story. "Yeah I kissed him that night were they stayed over after the party."

"WHAT." Both Chan and Changbin said in Sync.

"We were talking about my tattoos and he was really close to my face so I kissed him. Remember I was really drunk soooo, doesn't really count."

"If you both remember it it does count Jisung." Chan laughed.

"Anyways, so he actually kissed me while we were standing in the rain." Jisung smiled at the memory.

When Minho walked into his shared Apartment with Felix and Seungmin everything was silent. Minho knew they were both home, so they probably hadn't heard him entering.

He knocked on Seungmins door, then opened it and looking inside. Seungmin had fallen asleep on all of his paperwork. Seungmin had told him he was studying really hard at the moment for his upcoming exams, so he tried closing the door again as quietly as he could.

"Minho you're-"

"AHH" Minho jumped, putting his hand on his now fast beating heart. "Don't do that!"

Felix was laughing really hard, finding it super funny how the older got scared. Seungmin opened the door, he had woken up from Minhos scream.

"Ah Felix because of you Seungmin is now awake." Minho said, wanting to sound annoyed, but he couldn't.

"You don't even seem annoyed, tell us about your date." Seungmin said sleepily.

Minho smiled, getting into his room and the others following him. Of course one of his cats was already there, happily greeting him.

So Minho told them the story aswell while changing into dry clothes. Stopping at the exact same point as Jisung had done.

"Then I kissed him."

Both of their mouths flew open.

"I'm so happy for you Minho!" Seungmin said smiling now too. Minhos happiness had some sort of effect, transfering over to the others instantly.

"I WANT TO KISS CHANGBIN TOO." Felix cried out, while laughing.

"Wait I have the perfect opportunity for you." Seungmin then stated. Leaving both Minho and Felix in confusion.

"I have a friend who is throwing a party this weekend, he said to enjoy the last time before finals will eat us alive. Maybe you can invite the others and ask them to bring Hyunjin too. Of course only if you feel comfortable going to another party."

"I don't think i'm ready yet, last time was a bit intense." Felix mumbled.

"Me too." Minho whispered. They both looked at him.

He had never told them about the incident, him not wanting to remember it.

"Minho what happened to you for you to think like that?" Seungmin asked carefully, not wanting to cross a line.

"I kind of got sexually assaulted, Jisung saved me and beat the other up. I was scared he would kill the guy." Minho chuckled, covering up the pain from the memory.

The others heard it, but they let it be, they were glad Minho was honest with them. And that Jisung had been with him.

"Then we should probably not go."

"Lets think about it. We still have time until the weekend."

And with that their conversation ended, both Seungmin and Felix leaving Minhos room to get ready for bed. Minho got under the covers, taking his phone, hoping a message from a certain person would show.

And it did.

*2 unread messages from: Cute boy with tattoos 15 minutes ago

I got home like 20 minutes ago love

Already want to feel your lips against mine again.

His tattoos - Minsung-Where stories live. Discover now