Trip To The Philippines

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Sorry it took so long, guys. Been busy with other things, and because it was Halloween week, I became extra busy, so here's chapter 2!


The next morning, the Paguro family didn't pack much from their home underwater. Sea monsters don't have so much stuff to bring on a trip other than seaweed clothes. But for the Paguro family, now that they often visited the surface, all they had to bring was their human clothes.

As for the Marcovaldo family, Massimo and Giulia pack some extra clothes and food for the trip. Giulia even packed up the world map and history books that have the topic of the Philippines. She packed up a magazine of Portorosso, just in case she misses home. Alberto wanted to bring his knife, but Massimo forbad him since weapons and sharp tools are not allowed in the airplane.

Both families met up on the shore as the Paguros dried themselves to turn themselves back to their human forms.

"Is everyone set?" Massimo asked.

"Already packed what I need, Papa," Giulia announced, carrying her suitcase, "I think I got some extra money for Philippine currency."

"Yeah, I don't have much stuff," Alberto added, only carrying a small backpack.

"We packed our own... just a few important stuff," Luca declared while carrying his own suitcase.

"Now let's get to the train station. When we get to Rome, we'll head straight to the airport," Massimo declared as they carried their stuff to head to the train station.

"Airport?" Alberto was confused of the term

"You know, where the airplanes are. That's where we'll begin our trip out of Italy," Giulia explained.


It was a long trip from Portorosso to Rome. This is why they have to leave earlier than everyone else's morning routine. It will take the train less than 8 hours to reach Rome. While on the train, Lorenzo and Grandma Paguro fell asleep on their seats while the older sea monster slept with her eyes open. Daniela was looking out of the window, watching the sight of the outside world. Massimo ordered himself an espresso. Luca and Giulia were reading a book about the planets while Alberto was drawing a figure of him, Luca and Giulia riding on a Vespa while showing it to them, making them giggle.

When they arrived in Rome, both families had no time to rest and look around as they were almost late for their flight. By taking the taxi (the model was old and different back then), they headed straight to the airport.

With the help of Massimo and Giulia, they were able to check-in for the "secret" sea monsters. No one in other parts of Italy knew much about the coexistence of humans and sea monsters yet, so it'll be safe if they kept themselves dry for a moment.

After waiting for the announcement of their flight, both families heard their flight number, and decided to follow the line of humans to the gate where their plane is.

When they got out of the airport, they saw their plane ahead as the children ran in excitement. The passengers have to climb the stairs to get to the main door. When two families did, the Paguro Family and Alberto were fascinated by the inside of the plane. Even Giulia herself, but she knew what the insides of the airplane looked like, despite not being inside of one before.

According to the ticket, the three children should sit together in the same row of seats. Danila, Lorenzo, and Grandma Paguro sat together on the same row just in front of the children, while Massimo sat behind the children alone because of his size, but this gave him the opportunity to watch over the children in front of him

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