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**June 30th, 16 years ago**

Giovanni Romano paced the waiting room of the hospital as his wife, Bianca, was giving birth. His brother, Leonardo, was watching with raised eyebrows as he did so.

As Leonardo was about to make a comment regarding his distressed state, a doctor entered the room. He inclined his head towards each of the brothers in turn before focusing his gaze on Giovanni.

"Congratulations," the doctor said, "It's twins. A boy and a girl."

Both of their hearts skipped a beat at the last part. A girl—the first to be born into the family in generations. Giovanni seemed to glow with happiness as he sank into a cushioned chair. The doctor informed them that we would be allowed to see them shortly, as soon as Bianca gave the word.

Across the hospital, in the same small room where she had just delivered her babies—Aurora and Archer—Bianca hands her children to the nurses attending her so she can get some rest.

The nurse charged with looking after her son takes him to the hospital nursery. The woman holding her daughter, however, takes the opportunity to sneak out of the hospital without being noticed—to where her husband and son are waiting to drive them to the airport.

Within an hour, the four board the plane to Paris, fake IDs already made and in their suitcases.

At the hospital, a panic erupts at the disappearance of the baby. Bianca is consumed by grief for her child, while Giovanni is thrown into a fit of rage. He sends his men everywhere to look for her, for any sign of where she could be.

And he does not stop looking for over 16 years.

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