23 [Stefan]

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**June 25th, noon**

   I walk up to the sound of a soft thud somewhere in the room, and feel the pounding in my head soon after. I groan as I crack open my eyes, raising my hand to my forehead as I sit up on the carpeted floor as Sebastian's room comes into view.

   Aurora is standing my the door wearing my black suit jacket—the fabric completely engulfing her due to the drastic difference in our sizes and coming down to her knees and hiding her dress. Her heels are gone, and she looks short enough as she leans against the wall that I almost laugh. "Did I wake you?" She asks softly.

   "Maybe," I answer. My attention goes to the covered plate in her hand, and she holds it up when she notices my gaze.

   "Let this be an apology, then," She crosses the room silently and places the plate on my lap before sitting a foot away.

   I remove the foil on top to see a plate loaded with french toast, poached eggs, pancakes, bacon and sausage. My mouth waters, and I immediately dig in. "Thank you," I mumble, stuffing an entire piece of toast in my mouth. Aurora stares at me with a blank expression for a minute before her entire face lights up as she covers her mouth to muffle a laugh. "What?"

   "Nothing. You just look like a chipmunk when you stuff your mouth so full." Her close-lipped smile is bright when she pulls her hand away. "It's adorable."

I shift uncomfortably on the carpet. "I don't think anyone has ever called me adorable before."

"That's hard to believe," she says, crossing her legs. and leaning back on her hands. The movement causes her dress and my coat to hide up on her thigh, and it takes a tremendous amount of effort to tear my gaze away from the smooth skin. "I can't be the only one who knows you're adorable."

She must have noticed my dark stare, because she shifts closer to me a moment later. "If you knew anything about me, you wouldn't think so."

"I know that you stuff your cheeks like a chipmunk when you eat," she starts, a small smile on her face. "That you prefer sweet foods over savory, but love popcorn. You hate strawberries because of the seeds on the outside. You love horror movies, but hate the ones with clowns because they're too overused. Your favorite color is blue—like the ocean—and you have a picture of your little sisters as your lock screen because seeing them makes you smile. You're incredible at archery, though you hate shooting anything other than a target. You prefer language classes over math because of the creativity you get to express when you write. Your favorite animal is a bunny, but you tell everyone it's a wolf to seem tough."

My chest warms at all of the little things she lists off the little things she's noticed or remembered about me. Most people just brush me off as the quiet one and don't bother to learn anything about me. It's comforting to know that someone, at least, was paying attention. Her gaze dips to my lap, and the heat in her gray eyes makes my bulge grow in my pants. Her voice is pitched significantly lower when she says, "And I know that you're bigger than Niklaus."

"You don't know that for sure," I say, my voice slightly breathless. Her gaze returns to meet mine, and her pupils are blown wide.

"Care to prove it, then?" Our lust-clouded gazes stay firmly locked on each other. I don't know which one of us moves first, but a few seconds later, our lips smash together. I move the plate out of the way and pull Aurora towards me by her hair. A deep sound somewhere between a groan and a growl erupts from my throat as she moves to straddle me, but she pulls away a moment later.

Before I can protest, she claps a hand over my mouth and purrs, "Your friends are asleep three feet away. You wouldn't want to wake them, would you?"

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