6 [Aurora]

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**June 6th, 5 pm**

Archer leads me to hallway on the other side of the house, filled with identical looking doors. I could them as we pass, taking a mental note of how many there are. Archer stops at the 7th one on the right, motioning to it for dramatic effect.

"This is your room. You can change anything you want on the inside, but Salvatore will get pissy if you mess with the door. I learned that the hard way." He gestures to the door directly across from mine. "That's my room, by the way. It's always unlocked, if you ever need something."

I lean against the wall next to my door, thinking carefully about what I want to say. Archer finally stops talking when he sees the look on my face and waits for me to find my words.

"So, we're...twins?" I say finally, the words coming out even lamer than they had sounded in my head.

Archer tips his head to the side, his brows scrunching together slightly. "You really had no clue I existed before today, did you?" I shake my head, and he turns his stare to the ground. "That's good." He bites his bottom lip in contemplation but releases it just as quickly. "I knew you existed. Actually, being your twin is probably the only things our father knows about me. Well, that and the fact that I talk a lot."

He pauses to grin at me when he says that, and I offer a soft smile in return. He continues, "I've wanted to meet you my entire life. Needed to, actually. I've even been helping Anthony—dad's PI—look for you for years. There's a bunch of very Good-Girls-Guide-To-Murder-esque boards in my closet that I was working on. Do you know how much red yarn those take, by the way? I didn't." I can't help but laugh at this, and he lets out his own at whatever goofy expression crosses my face. It takes a few moments for us to settle down, and when we do, his eyes are bright. "I guess this is my roundabout way of saying that I'm glad you're here. We all are. More than you know."

I open my mouth to respond, but his eyes widen dramatically. "Oh!" He exclaims. "Our birthday is in 3 weeks! Oh my gods, we have to make it extra special. A double birthday, to celebrate you being here. What's your favorite kind of cake?"

"I've never had cake," I say, still in shock from his sudden outburst.

"What?!" His eyes somehow go even wider. "What do you do on your birthdays usually?"

"Uhhh...work?" It's true. I've 'accidentally' scheduled fashion shows the day after my birthday for the past 3 years, which conveniently gave me an excuse to hide in my office and obsess over them. Before that, I'd never really done anything, either. My birthdate was labeled wrong when I was placed in the foster system, and nobody had ever bothered to change it. Even then, none of my foster parents had bothered to celebrate on the other date, either.

"Wait. Have you never had a birthday party?" Archer asks, his brows scrunched together. I shake my head, and his eyebrows only get closer together. "Why not?"

"To be honest, it's just not something I've ever really wanted to do. I don't like all of the attention."

"Your nickname is literally 'Media Sweetheart.'"

"The media is one of Aurora Enterprises' greatest investors—both with all of the business it generates and the money from appearances. All the money from those interviews goes into further developing the company. I absolutely despise those interviews, by the way. You should see me after I get off stage. They give me so much anxiety, I can't stop shaking for hours."

   He stares at me for a second, still looking outraged that I've never had a birthday party. The childishness of that statement is almost laughable. Finally, he simply nods. "Well, I have some stuff to do. I'll see you at dinner, Aurora. Have fun!" He practically skips back down the hall, and I shake my head at his retreating form before making my way into the room.

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