19 [Aurora]

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**June 23rd, 5 pm**

   The show was a hit. The designs were just as beautiful as I'd imagined (more so, even,) the riddles were a hit and added a whole new level of exclusivity to the collection (if you couldn't solve even one, you were asked to leave,) the sales afterwards were so successful that we'd sold out of almost our entire stock and hadn't even opened them up to the public. Everything went even better than I could have imagined, and the urge to genuinely smile never fades throughout the entire afternoon.

   I don't, though. The weight of the impending interview later leaves a dark cloud over my head so obvious that I'm sure everyone else can feel it's effects too.

I spot my phone on a random dressing table backstage and contemplate looking at it. Archer and Salvatore have been blowing it up all day asking why I wasn't there to greet our mother, and I'd asked Alaric to hide it from me when the constant vibrating had gotten too distracting.

Deciding against it, a give a brief congratulations to my models and prep teams for the amazing job they did and quickly make my towards Alaric.

"The sales are still going," He says, watching the design sales and the bids for the headpieces. People go crazy for the bids every time, and raise huge amounts of money for whatever charity Aurora Enterprises is sponsoring. This time, it's The Trevor Project, and the donations are steadily racking up with all of the excitement over this collection. "You did great out there, Rory. I'm proud of you."

   The words hit me right in the heart, and I have to suppress the urge to throw my hands around his neck and hug him. We've become close over the years, but he's well accustomed to my touch aversion, and it would just be weird at this point. I clear my throat to get rid of the lump starting to form there and ask, "Is everything ready for the interview later?"

   "Yep, all good. It'll be a quick one, you just have to quickly clarify that you and Aleksandr aren't dating and talk up the show."

   I let out a small sigh and try to shake out some of my anxiety. Unsurprisingly, it doesn't work very well. I make my way back towards the sale room just in time to watch the winners of the bids be announced.

   Also unsurprisingly, Sebastian won the bid on the first headpiece. This one is make up of strands of gold that look like vines up close, woven into a crown shape. I walk further towards the stand as Vivienne opens the display case. She steps back with a respectful nod when she sees what I intend, and I return it as I pull on the black lace gloves and carefully grab the headpiece. I would be surprised at the unexpected weight if I hadn't already picked them up to put them in the displays.

   "This one actually is solid gold," I say to Sebastian as I near, offering him a soft smile. His brightens when he sees me. That is, until I say, "Kneel."

   "Excuse me?" He asks, looking at me with confusion. I flick my eyes pointedly at the ground before bringing them back up to his, and his hesitation is a palpable thing before he reluctantly drops to one knee in front of me, his eyes locked intently on mine. A dark look passes through them at whatever he sees on my face.

   Even kneeling, his eyes still rest in the middle of my torso. He inclines his head slightly and I gently place the headpiece atop his thick, curly black hair, so soft I can tell even through the gloves. I hear the shutter of a camera as someone catches the moment, and quickly step away.

   He lifts his head at the same time he rises to his feet, and applause sounding around the room brings me back out of my thoughts. I offer a smile to the room in general as the next winner is announced and Vivienne copies my actions with the next winner, who kneels much more willingly. I retrieve the next headpiece, which happens to be for Niklaus. I stop about a foot away from him and wait, but he doesn't move. "Do I need to repeat the instructions? I thought you were perceptive enough to get the gist the first two times."

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