9 [Aurora]

546 21 6

**June 8th, 5pm**

The high pitched ping of my phone on my desk pulls me out of my work. It's been going off for a while, but I'd been trying my best to ignore it. I'd driven to the warehouse yesterday to retrieve the outfits Alaric had picked out for me, along with the digital drawing equipment I would need to plan out my designs for my upcoming collection. I'd since moved all of the equipment from my bedroom at Giovanni's house to my New York office, located in the upstairs loft of one of my 'Aurora' stores. This particular location caters mostly to street wear fashion rather than Red-Carpet-worthy outfits, though the golden mannequins in the window displays still uphold the maximalist reputation of my brand—which is the complete opposite of the very minimalistic office like the one I am currently in that I usually prefer.

I lean back in the simple office chair and uncross my legs, stretching out all of my stuff limbs. I'd holed myself up in this office at 8am to get started on my designs, and hadn't had more than a quick bathroom break since then. My stomach growls, reminding me that eating soon would probably be a good idea.

I'd finished the two designs I'd had left in my current collection—which is inspired by the 12 main Gods of Olympus in Greek mythology. Many designers had toyed with the concepts before, but there's only so much inspiration you can draw from a Toga. I'd spent months perfecting the balance of the outfits: making them recognizable for what God they are based on while also still being seen as 'Luxury Clothing' by modern standards. I'd become so focused on working that I'd even planned out an idea for another collection after finishing this one, and had drawn up a basic plans for 3 outfits in the collection.

Sighing, I reach for the phone laying at the corner of my desk. I carefully unplug the charger, satisfied to see the full buttery icon in the corner of the screen.

'Sebastian' changed the group name to '👿😈😇😈👿'
Sebastian: i'm not saying who's who
Sebastian: so did you guys get the email from Seasoned Buzzfeed
Aleksandr: Yes.
Niklaus: do they wanna do an interview??
Sebastian: no, they want us to read thirst tweets
Sebastian: and i already said yes for all of us! it's tomorrow at 7pm
Sebastian: i'll send the addi
Stefan: You signed us up without asking us?
Sebastian: yep!
Sebastian: well, not aurora
Sebastian: they said you wouldn't let me speak on your behalf
Sebastian: and then almost had me arrested for fraud for trying
Sebastian: but anyways
Sebastian: you should 100% join us
Sebastian: and answer my texts
Sebastian: ignoring me like this is very rude

   I let out a sigh as I start typing.

me: so is spamming someone while they're working.
Sebastian: sorry
Sebastian: kinda
Sebastian: but are you gonna join us??
Aleksandr: Why are we doing this together? We don't even know her.
Stefan: The photoshoot and interview we did generated over four times as many viewers as each company normally receives
Niklaus: ?
Sebastian: that's his nerd way of saying people like us together

   I exit the chat and go to my contacts to change each of their names. Mostly out of habit, but also because I can't resist the opportunity to compare the abnormally giant men to dwarves.

Grumpy: Yes, I got that.
Doc: I don't think anyone needed that explanation, Sebastian
Bashful: nik did
Dopey: i did
Bashful: whatever
Bashful: back to more important topics
Bashful: aurora
Bashful: milady
Bashful: the one and only
Bashful: the amazing
me: are you done?
Bashful: the fantastic, unique, gorgeous, delicious, beautiful, majestic, lovely woman that you are
Bashful: ...would you please do us the honor of joining us for a Buzzfeed interview tomorrow evening?
me: i already agreed yesterday.
Bashful: WHAT
me: it was funny
Bashful: i take it all back. you are a cruel, cruel woman
me: see you tomorrow.

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