26 [Aurora]

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**June 29th, 7 pm**

Aleksandr doesn't even wait for us to fully catch our breath before gritting out, "Nik, get on the bed."

Nik hardens behind me at the low tone of Aleksandr's voice. He presses a soft kiss beneath my ear before exiting the closet. The cool air immediately seeps into my skin, making me shudder and crave the warmth of his body heat.

He's barely through the doorway before Aleksandr lifts me up, throwing my body against his bare shoulder and making me grunt at the impact. "Aleksandr, if you don't-"

Something strikes my ass, and I gasp at the heavy blow as I crane my neck to look at Aleksandr. He has a small smirk on his face, satisfied with the sharp slap he delivered to my ass. I growl at him in warning and frustration, and the line of his lips turns into something cruel.

With no warning, he tosses me onto the low bed—like actually tosses me. Like I'm nothing but a pillow, or some other light weighted object.

Niklaus grabs me by the waist to stop me from bouncing back off, and I kick my leg in the direction of Aleksandr's balls.

He grabs my ankle to stop its attack, not even seeming bothered. He looks down to where Niklaus is laying with his head at the foot of the bed and nods at him. Niklaus smirks, his eyes filled with wicked delight when he looks back towards me.

   "Come here, baby," he says roughly. I huff with indignation but do as he said, crawling across the large bed until I'm kneeling next to him. He grabs my thighs when I get within reach and drags me up and across his body until my knees are braced on either side of his face. His hands move up to my hips, holding me firmly in place just a few inches above his face as my heart picks up speed.

   His warm breath tickles the inside of my thighs as Aleksandr walks around the bed, stopping directly in front of me to run a gentle hand along my jaw, making me look up at him.

   "We're going to play a game," Aleksandr purrs, bending at the waist to trail his lips gently over mine. I lean into him, desperate for contact, but he pulls just out of my reach and lowers his hand to my throat to rest there. Niklaus' hands move up my body to grab both of my wrists and tug them behind my back. "You're going to ride Nik's face while I fuck your tight little throat." His other hand toys with the barbell piecing through my nipple as something soft wraps around my wrists, and his hand around my throat tightens when I try to look behind me at what Niklaus is doing. "If you come before I do, we punish you." My wrists are pulled tightly together. I tug against the ties to test the bonds, letting out a little whimper unconsciously when they hold firm.

   Aleksandr pinched my nipple, licking his lips when I arch into his touch to chase the pleasure rushing through me. He grips my neck tight enough that I'm sure I'll have bruises tomorrow to show for it. "But if you're a good girl and you wait for permission, then this won't be the only time you come tonight." Something sparks in my chest at his words, and his eyes light with amusement. Niklaus holds something out for him, and he lets go of my neck entirely to pull me in for a scorching kiss.

   The same feeling of soft material brushing against my skin as he ties the blindfold around my face, the dark material effectively blocking my view of the entire room. Not even the soft light at the ceiling filters through the material. My hands clench into fists when something is placed inside my left ear, obstructing yet another of my senses. Aleksandr leans down to whisper in my other ear, "You'll behave for me, won't you?"

   That same feeling fills my chest. Niklaus tugs on my hips to lower me down until my pussy is flush against his face, and I moan at the contact as the other earplug is put in place, cutting off the sound. Niklaus' tongue does one slow stroke across my entire clit, sending a trail of flames up my whole body at the unexpected touch.

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