5 [Aurora]

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**June 6th, 4pm**

   The flight lands smoothly, and I barely have time to take in the view of the New York Skyline before I'm ushered into another black SUV. This time, I'm seated in the back—which has been transformed to look like the inside of a limo—next to Dario. I pull out my phone when I hear it buzz and see another message from Alaric.

Moby Rick: found what you asked for.
Moby Rick: Romano's are an insanely rich family from Italy who currently lives just outside NYC. Giovanni Romano has 9 sons, and his brother, Leonardo, has 4. Giovanni is married to some lady names Beatrice Sorrento-Romano. He owns The Romano Corporation, which owns a bunch of high-end hotels and nightclubs throughout the US. His oldest son, Salvatore, is likely to take control of the company sometime in the next decade. One of his sons, Emiliano, is friends with the four guys you just did the interview with yesterday. Can't find anything else on any of them without doing a background check.
me: thank you, Alaric. I appreciate you
Moby Rick: Rory would never show appreciation for me. who are you and what have you done with her?

   I smile at his message without really thinking about it. Dario catches my expression and leans over to read my screen over my shoulder. "Who are you texting? Your boyfriend?"

   His weight where he's leaning on my shoulder is heavy and warm and I don't like it at all. I shut my phone off and subtly slide away from him until his shoulder is no longer touching me. "None of your business, and go fuck yourself. Here," I say, reaching into my jacket pocket and removing the holster. I dump it onto his lap, not bothering to wait for him to grab it.

   "You gave it back?" He asks, his voice sounding incredulous. He shakes his head, clearing whatever thought he was having.

   "I do not need it," I say simply, looking back to my phone. "And it's not like the single bullet in it is going to do anything when the other four of you all have them too."

   I sense more than see Dario smile. "No, but it sure is fun for Russian Roulette." He takes then gun from the holster and holds it up. "Wanna go?"

   "Sure. You first," I say monotonously, knowing damn well the bullet is in the first slot. He does, too. He, however, doesn't find my joke nearly as funny as I do. He slips the gun back in the holster and places it back at his side.

   I'm about to go through my email again when Giovanni speaks from where he's sitting across from me, his voice cold. "I think it's past time for introductions."

"I'll start," says the guy sitting next to Dario, a wide grin spread across his face. "I'm Marcello, your second oldest brother, and soon to be your favorite. Well, maybe after Archer."

The guy across from his speaks next, his smile much dimmer than Marcello's. "I'm Donatello. Third oldest. I doubt I'll be your favorite."

That brings a smile to my lips, and I nod my head at him in acknowledgment. His eyes brighten as he nods back.

The next man hesitates after seeing my expression. I speak before he has the chance, saying, "I'm guessing that makes you Salvatore."

His head angles slightly to the side. "How'd you know that?"

"Fourth, third, second," I say, gesturing to each of his brothers in turn. "That makes you the oldest."

"How did you know my name?" He amends.

I shrug, knowing I probably shouldn't tell them that I had Alaric stalk them. "Lucky guess." Giovanni's eyes light across from me, and he looks almost as if he might laugh.

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