21 [Niklaus]

289 11 9

**June 24th, noon**

   I'm going insane. Or I was drugged with something far too addictive to me legal. Those are the only two possible explanations for why I can't seem to keep my hands off of Aurora.

To be fair, Aurora seems to be struggling with a similar plight. Her head is throw back onto the wall and her back arched as she struggles to catch her breath. Two orgasms should have been more than enough, but after I got a taste of her...

Well, I don't think I'll ever be satisfied with just one round when it comes to her. Even now—despite the throbbing in my dick from being overused—every nerve in my body is on edge with the need to fill her again.  To feel her tight pussy milking my cock as I worship her body.

Reluctantly, I back away and help her regain her feet. Her legs tremble to the point where I'm afraid she might fall, and I opt instead to set her gently on the counter before reaching to turn the light on.

That proves to be a mistake when I see her kiss-swollen lips and lust-filled gray eyes. My eyes travel down the marks on her collarbone from where I kissed and sucked and bit at her skin, desperate to taste the sweetness. My gaze lands on her luscious breasts, her nipples peaked from her excitement and looking like the most appetizing meal in the world—and the piercings. She definitely did not strike me as the type of girl who would have nipple piercings or enjoy rough sex, but she managed to surprise me with both today.

She notices my attention and spreads her legs wider, revealing her bare, sex-swollen pussy and the come still running down her soft thighs. I growl as I close the gap between us and trail a finger through the wetness. "Look what a mess I made of you, baby."

Her eyes darken with hunger as she looks at me, her swollen lips parting slightly on a sound that never escapes. "So clean it up."

   My dick hardens instantly at the sultry tone of her voice, and I place my hands on the counter on either side of her to cage her in. "Oh, I will."

   Her gaze flicks down to my lips once before she smirks. Without warning, she pulls me forward by my hips as her warm lips capture my own. Her tongue invades my mouth, swirling around my own as I grind against her. She grabs my cock with one of her hands and jerks me off. I groan against her, one of my hands tangling in her hair and the other latching onto her waist to pull her closer. I move it around to her back to pull her against me just as she lines my cock up to her entrance. I groan as my dick starts to harden again under her ministrations, reminding me just how sore it is after both the past few minutes and all of the abuse it endured last night in my attempt to forget the way she felt around my fingers.

   I pull back slightly to look at her as she grabs my bicep to steady herself. "I figured I would have tired you out by now," I say lowly, brushing my lips over the spot just behind her ear that has her back arching as she gasps.

   "Don't be gentle," she grits out as she leans her head against the wall behind her.

   "I didn't think that I was," I say, feathering soft kisses down her jaw just to tease her. She grinds against me, and I reach to pin her thighs to the counter as I drive into her with enough force that her head cracks against the wall.

   She lets out a moan that has my orgasm clawing up my spine immediately as she arches further into my body and mumbles something about my piercings. I let out a soft chuckle. "You love it, don't you? The way my piercings feel inside of you when I fuck your pretty little cunt."

   "You're so obsessed with yourself," she grits out as she clenches around my dick. I groan at the pressure, waiting for her muscles to relax before I thrust back into her. There's a fine line between being rough and actually hurting her, and I don't intend to even be close to crossing it. Not yet, at least.

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