2 [Aleksandr]

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**June 5th, 2am**

   I lean to my right just in time to dodge a projectile piece of popped corn that was flying towards my face. I send my iciest glare to Sebastian, the source of it.

   He sends me a sheepish grin in return. "Sorry, Alec. That was meant to hit Nik." He settles instead for throwing a pillow—and actually hitting his intended target this time. Stefan rolls his eyes when Niklaus and Sebastian descend into a wrestling match.

   Just before I can launch into a lecture, my phone pings with a new message. I look down at it, confused. Nobody outside of this room ever messages me this late in the day. Or this early in the morning, to be exact—it's nearly 3 in the morning.

   Around the room, the other three's phones ping as well. I share a looking with Stefan before we all reach for and open our phones, wondering what this is about.

   When I finally open the message, it takes me to a groupchat: the four of us in this room, plus an unknown number.

   The message is simple: a screenshot of a news channel's latest article.

Teen heartthrobs—Aleksandr Petrov, Niklaus Schneider, Sebastian Ramirez, Stefan Vukovic—and media sweetheart—Aurora Villavicencio-Moreau—shake the internet.
After their recent photoshoot wearing Aurora's designs for Elle Magazine, many were left wanting more of the unexpected group. And our prayers have been answered!
The group is expected to return for an interview with Opal Silverthorn tomorrow! Be on the lookout for the live interview at 6pm EST.

   Below the screenshot is a simple message: "wear something blue."

   "Who is this?" Stefan's message comes through a moment before he says aloud, "What the fuck?"

   A text bubble appears moments later, flashing briefly across the screen before the message comes through, saying simply, "figure it out."

   Niklaus meets my eye and shrugs. "That's what Aurora said to us before the photoshoot."

   Stefan looks between us for a moment before looking back to his phone. His typing bubble appears briefly as he types, "Aurora?"

   Her response doesn't come through for a few minutes, and we just begin to focus on the movie again when another ping comes through.

"see you tomorrow."

**June 5th, 1pm**

   We're barely through the doors backstage before Aurora spots us. She offers the person she was talking to a quick goodbye before bounding over to us, her smile bright and startlingly sincere. It's unnerving, and surely meant to disarm and give a false sense of comfort. And her nickname of media sweetheart only proves just how well it's worked for her so far.

   Her eyes rake over the four of us, all dressed in varying shades and amounts of blue. She herself is dressed in a light blue minidress with puffy tulle sleeves, fitted in just the right places to show off her body. Glittery blue flowers run up the sides, accentuating her curvy waist. Atop her head is a matching beret—a homage to her home country, despite her currently living in America.

   "So you did get my message," she says, her smile widening as she takes us in again.

   "Was there a particular reason why all needed to change out outfits last minute?" I ask, sharpening my glare and letting all of my anger seek into making the look seem terrifying. Most people would run away screaming.

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