15 [Aurora]

449 19 1

**June 21st, 10 am**

   I wake to a loud ringing sound filling my ears. I groan, trying to sink further into the bed and chase the unconsciousness slowly fading away.

   The ringing stops just after I realize it's my phone. But my phone is at Niklaus' house, so how is it ringing?

   I open my eyes to the semi-dark room and see an unfamiliar phone sitting on the nightstand. I pick it up and see that it doesn't have a passcode, so I open it. The only thing different from my normal phone—other than the passcode—is the 10 additions to the contacts list and the screen devoid of a single finger print of scratch. Presumably the new phone Giovanni mentioned yesterday. I find it really weird that someone was able to download all of my information onto it, and make a mental note to trash it as soon as I transfer the new numbers to my other phone.

   The missed call turns out to be from Alaric, who also left 6 messages for me since last night. Concerned, I open out chat quickly.

Moby Rick: [Link]
Moby Rick: Did you see this?
Moby Rick: [Link]
Moby Rick: [Screenshot]
Moby Rick: Everyone thinks you're dating Aleksandr Petrov.
Moby Rick: 10 news sites have reached out asking for an interview.

   I click on the second link, which takes me to a news article from just a few hours ago. The headline reads 'France's Sweetheart dating NYC's Troublemaker?' The article shows a picture of Aleksandr and I from our hike yesterday, the same as the screenshot Alaric sent. Below it is a short video clip that looks like it was recorded from another car in the parking lot. There's no audio, but the video shows Aleksandr brushing his arm against mine before he grabbed my hand, and the look that I sent him afterwards. A rush of anger goes through me when I notice his gaze is locked directly on the camera. Of course he did this on purpose. The article goes tom to point out our matching shirts and to make it seem intentional.

   The first link includes a much tamer headline that merely points out the 'budding friendship' between the guys and I. That one includes the photo that was taken of the 5 of us at my show, as well as a photo of the five of us standing near the truck in the drive-in. I groan as I respond to his messages.

me: he did that on purpose. he was looking right at the camera
me:...at least they chose good photos of me?
Alaric: It's not a bad as it looks.
Alaric: You can easily brush the hand-holding off as a joke between friends, thanks to the other rumors spreading.
Alaric: It's a good photo though. You should frame it.
me: just set up the interview. let's clear up the rumors as quick as possible
me: this doesn't suit my "sweetheart" reputation

   I ignore the other messages from Archer and some of my other 'brothers' texting to make sure I have their numbers. I click on Aleksandr's name and hit the call button, knowing he's probably still at Niklaus' house.

   He answers a moment later, his tone rough and scratchy from sleep. If I wasn't as mad at him as I am right now, I might find it attractive.

   "What's your endgame here? Why are you trying to start rumors?" I say before he even finishes his annoyed greeting.

   "What do you mean?" He asks, his voice turning serious at my angry tone. I hear voices faintly in the back as his own words wake up his friends.

   "You saw them recording and grabbed my hand. Did you just want to start rumors?" I don't bother toning down my anger.

   "Wait, hold on. Who recorded what?" Something ruffles over the phone—presumably him sitting up. I hear faintly as Sebastian tells him to put it on speaker.

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