17 [Aurora]

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**June 21st, 7 pm**

Harper: Meeting with Romano Corp. went well. They wanted a check-in about security concerns. Everything is clear.

   Harper Security is the world's most elite security company. They accept only the most high-end clients and have the best track record of keeping them safe, for a hefty price. One of these major clients was my 'father,' Giovanni Romano. The entirety of The Romano Corporation relied on Harper Security's team to protect them against their many competitors and enemies. Last year, the CEO of the company, Christian Harper, had been foolish enough to bet me a favor of my choosing in a poker match.

   I'd won, of course. I always did. A week after that, I'd called Christian to my office to call in that favor on some last minute security for a fashion event in Milan. The asshole showed up an hour later than I asked him to, already complaining about the short notice for the meeting.

So, being the spiteful little bitch I was last year—or am, if I'm being honest—I'd told him that I wanted his company instead.

Christian was notorious for always following through on favors. He hates being in other people's debt, and hated being called a liar even more. So, he did it. He signed his company over to me, and I changed the name to Aurora Security instead. I kept Christian on to oversee the security aspect, though I still handled the financial responsibilities of it, along with that of my fashion brand.

   I pull into the driveway just a few minutes before 7, which means I'm right on time for dinner. I even don't bother to respond to Christian's message. Sighing, I step out of Salvatore's car and make my way into the house.

   I set the keys on the same stand by the door as I'd found them, hoping that maybe Salvatore had been too busy today to notice the absence. A larger, more rational part of my brain knows that he probably knew it was gone before I even pulled out of the driveway.

I make my way quickly to the diving room, stopping to take a deep breath before pushing open the double doors.

All of my brothers are already seated at the table, and their heads snap towards me as soon as they hear the door. Archer turns his head away too quick for me to get a good luck at his eye as I make my way to my seat between him and Emiliano.

He doesn't look up from his empty plate as I slide onto my own, which doesn't give me much hope that all will be forgiven and forgotten.

Salvatore levels a carefully blank stare at me from across from me. "Where were you?"

"My office," I say, following the lie that Stefan had created when he set that as my last location. I send him a polite but small smile across the table and I tuck my hands under my thighs. "I had some work to catch up on."

   His eyes narrow slightly, but he doesn't push me on it. Giovanni walks through the door a moment later with his eyes glued to his phone. He slips it into the inner pocket of his suit as he sits down, lifting his eyes to look around the table.

   His gaze zeroes in on the bruises on my hand before looking around again. His gaze finally snags on Archer's eye, and he turns back to me with a raised eyebrow. "Do I want to know," he asks, his voice carefully neutral. "What happened this morning while I was gone?"

   Nobody says anything for a moment, and I'm too terrified of Giovanni's reaction to break the silence. It's goody two-shoes Gabriel who finally answers, "Aurora punched Archer at breakfast and stole Salvatore's car."

   Giovanni's eyes sharpen, though I catch a hint of amusement behind his cold mask. He flicks his gaze back to Archer. "Did you deserve it?"

   Archer lifts his stare, revealing a really nasty looking black eye. I'm torn between guilt that I hit him and pride at how much damage I could do so easily. He doesn't even look at me as he answers Giovanni's question. "Yes."

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