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"Jake! Are you done changing now?" Sunghoon asked Jake who was inside the bathroom. "Just putting on my coat. Wait a bit please." Jake replied. "You don't have to dress really fancy, we're just going there and introduce you to my friends, remember I told you to stay here and do your work so you can be comfortable and rest from your training." Sunghoon reminded him. "Yeah I know. I just wanna look presentable to them." He replied.
Jake then stepped outside the bathroom. He was wearing a light blue shirt inside then a brown not so thick jacket outside and white pants.

"Awwww, Jake, you look so cute." Sunghoon said. "Really? Ugh, I want to look manly but I look cute." Jake said then pouted. "Why do you want to be so manly when you look good just being yourself? Don't try to change yourself much Jake. I really like you just being yourself. Just be yourself and be comfortable, don't dress to impress anyone okay?" Sunghoon said. Jake blushed by Sunghoon's words. "Really? I look good being myself?" Jake asked. "Yeah Jake. You're really cute, handsome, and cool at the same time." Sunghoon said. Jake smiled. "Thanks Sunghoon." Jake said. Sunghoon then opened his arms, signaling Jake for a hug.

Jake then went closer to Sunghoon for the hug. Both of them feeling comfort being with each other. Jake loved Sunghoon's perfume and Sunghoon found Jake's hug comfortable. "Thank you again! I'm really thankful for those words. It really boosted my confidence." Jake said. "No problem Jake. I really just wanted you to be yourself. Feel comfortable and don't be pressured. My friends are crackheads fyi so don't be really formal to them." Sunghoon said.

Jake laughed at Sunghoon's words. "Crackheads? What do you mean?" Jake said while laughing. "Oh you wanna know? Wait till you meet them." Sunghoon replied. He then called one of the maids, Yewon. "Yewon, make sure to clean the guest bedroom for Jake to stay. Also give him the same bed as mine. He'll be back in an hour and a half." He said. "Yes Mr. Park. We will do it right away." Yewon said then proceeded to the other maids and inform them.

Both of them headed out and went inside the car. They drove to the headquarters. Sunghoon will work there and introduce Jake to his friends then Jake will go back home and do his work there so he can rest since he trained for 3 years with only one day break a week. When the boys arrived, they directly went to Sunghoon's friends office. The 5 of them share the same office. Only one desk but very long and the space in their office is big. They have couches there. Sunghoon even sometimes stay there.

Both of them went inside the room and they encountered a room full of lovey dovey people. Heeseung and Sunoo talking/flirting while Jay and Jungwon are watching a movie well, Jay considers Jungwon as his movie cause he kept staring at him. While Ni-ki is just playing with his phone. All of the people focused on what they are doing that they didn't even noticed the people who went inside.

"*cough* *cough*" Sunghoon coughed to get their attention. His friends then stopped what their doing and stared at Sunghoon and Jake. "Oh Sunghoon hyung, hi!" Ni-ki said. "Sunghoon-ah, since when were you here?" Jay asked. "Since you started watching Jungwon than the movie." Sunghoon teased. "Yahhhh. I wasn't." Jay said, embarrassed. Jungwon just laughed at him. "Uhm, Sunghoon hyung, who's that cutie with you?" Sunoo asked. "Did you finally got yourself a boyfriend?" Heeseung asked.

"Dummies. He's my assistant. His name is Jake. Mr. Bang assigned him to help me with the case I'm handling." Sunghoon said. Jake was just looking down to hide his blush and he was also shy. The room was silent. "So you're not gonna greet him? Okay bye. Coming here is a waste of time." Sunghoon said and was about to open the door and leave. "No hyung wait. I just thought you'll still say something so i kept silent." Jungwon said.

"I was just staring at Jake." Heeseung said. "He's cute." The 5 of them said at the same time.

Jake laughed lightly and said "thank you!" "Hello Jake hyung. I'm Sunoo." "I'm Ni-ki" "I'm Heeseung." "I'm Jay." "I'm Jungwon." They introduced their selves. "Jake hyung you're really cute. I'll replace Heeseung for you." Sunoo said. "I bet he'll choose me than you." Heeseung said. Everyone was laughing. They then just talked and kinda get to know and hangout for an hour.

Jake then went home to do his work. Yeonjun picked him up since Sunghoon called him and asked to pick Jake up. "Thanks for coming on short notice Yeonjun." Jake said. "No problem sir." Yeonjun replied. "Please don't call me sir. I'm not your boss and just please call me Jake." He said. "Okay then Jake." Yeonjun replied. Jake then smiled.

Jake was eaten up by boredom because it was so silent and his phone died. He then decided to break the silence. "Uhm Yeonjun, can I ask some questions? It's kinda boring and I want to talk to someone." Jake said. "Sure." Yeonjun replied. "Yay thanks. Uhm, how long have you been at Sunghoon's." "Well my parents work there when Sunghoon's parents were still alive." Yeonjun answered. "Wait his parents are dead? Why?" Jake asked. "It's a long story." He replied. "Can you please tell me?" Jake asked with his puppy eyes. "Well a lot of people already know why but the story already died and Sunghoon don't wanna talk about it now so please don't tell him that I'm the one who told you." Yeonjun said. Jake nodded.

Short Flashback

Sunghoon was still 10 years old at this time.

Sunghoon was with his parents at the cinema. They promised him to take him to the cinema if his grades are high. He worked hard to get high grades and he did. He was really enjoying the time with his parents. He was really happy to have parents like them. After the movie, they went to an amusement park. They rode some famous rides. They played games and won some prizes. Ate some cotton candy. They watched the circus. He loves the smell of circus, the popcorn, hotdogs, cotton candy, peanuts and others. The last part they entered was the horror house.

After the horror house, things kinda got messy. Sunghoon was hearing gun shots and a lot of people are running and panicking. He heard that they were robbing the amusement park and kills people that are against them. Sunghoon's dad carried Sunghoon and they hid in the photo booth. Sunghoon was nervous and afraid so he started crying. He was scared of the bad guys around him. Sunghoon's mom called Hanseon (name of Yeonjun's dad in this ff) and asked him to fetch them in the amusement park because of the chaos, they can't get to their car.

After a while, Hanseon called again and told them he already arrived. They then spotted went out the photo booth and crawled towards the exit. Sunghoon was leading and his parents were behind him. He then heard a gunshot and a scream coming from behind him. His dad was shot. His mom was also shot not so long after his dad was. Sunghoon then cried and hugged his parents. "Sunghoon, you have to live, run, Hanseon is waiting for you outside." His parents said.

"No, I can't leave you both here, come with me, we'll go to the hospital." Sunghoon said. "Sunghoon, it's too late, go now, promise us justice, okay honey?" His mom said. Sunghoon was sobbing. "SUNGHOON! RUN NOW!" His dad shouted. Sunghoon then run while looking back to his parents. Hanseon approached him and carried him towards the car. Sunghoon then saw the whole place. Full of dead bodies, some parts on fire. Screams, crying, gunshots are heard everywhere. Sunghoon was tired. He fell asleep in Hanseon's shoulder.

End of flashback.

"So his parents died the same way as mine." Jake said.

Yeonjun then looked at him with a shocked face. "WHAT?!"

        Sorry I haven't updated for a long time. I complied all the projects a haven't submitted yet since the giving of grades are near. Today is the only free day I have. I might not update for days or even weeks if I won't make it in the honor rolls because my parents are really strict when it comes to academics🙂. I'm not confident of the scores I got specially the shitty subject MATH. I hate math really, no offense to people who like math. BTW here's a new chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading. Thanks and bye.

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