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1 Week Later

Soobin was doing good living at Sunghoon's house. Whenever he's alone, he would go out to talk to Tae and Kook. They were trying their best to find him. He's the only person who can stop Yoongi. Searching names on social media or asking people if they know the person they're talking about. 1 week had already passed but there were nothing. Soobin was about to lose hope. Maybe he'll just let himself die.

Sunghoon and Jake are also losing hope in the case they are investigating. Jake already had an HD pic of one of suspects but have no leads, witnesses, and more evidence. The case is just too much hard for them. The two were working on a GPS device to track a person just by its picture then a knock was heard and Sunghoon just said 'come in'. The door opened and it revealed a man. It was Jay.

"Oh hi Jay. What brings you here?" Sunghoon asked. "Hi Jay hyung!" Jake greeted. "Hello both of you, sorry to interrupt but Mr. Bang asked me to tell you that he expects to see both of you in his office like right now." Jay said. "Sure Jay, we'll be there. Thanks for informing." Sunghoon said. "You're welcome." Jay said then walked away.

Jake and Sunghoon stood up and went to the head's office. Both went in and faced Mr. Bang with an angry, annoyed, and dissapointed face. "Good day Mr. Bang!" The two greeted. The head detective didn't responded. "Jay told us that you want to see both of us. What is it sir?" Sunghoon said. "I'll just go straight to the point Sunghoon. I'm disappointed to you and Jake." Mr. Bang said and sighed.

Jake and Sunghoon just looked down because of embarrassment. "I expected that this case will be over a week ago but no. What's with the both of you? Are you both doing your work properly?" Mr. Bang asked. "Yes sir we are doing our best to solve this." Both said. "Then if you did your best, why is this case not solved yet?" Mr. Bang asked back. "Hard to say this sir but it's really hard. We already have a picture of the suspect but we can talk track him and we even asked some people if they no this guy but none." Jake said.

"Please please please. Do your work and focus on it harder. There are new reports within 2 weeks. A total of 12 people dead." Mr. Bang said. "Do you want to increase that number huh?" He added. "No sir." Both said in unison. "Then please do everything. I'm really counting on you two. I'm sorry to say this but both of you will lose your job if this case isn't solved within two weeks." Mr. Bang said.

Jake and Sunghoon's jaw dropped when they heard Mr. Bang's words. Sunghoon just stayed silent. He can feel his tears almost dropping. Jake saw him in his situation so he spoke for Sunghoon. "We understand sir. We think that two weeks is more than enough. We'll try our best sir. We'll start working now, excuse us." Jake said then pulled Sunghoon and wrapped his hand's on the younger's shoulder and they walked outside the president's office. Both of them then went back to Sunghoon's office.

When both of them got inside, Sunghoon dropped on the floor and let the tears he held back for a long time flow down. Jake immediately went down to Sunghoon and made him sit properly on the chair. He just let Sunghoon cry. He drew circles on Sunghoon's back to comfort him. Jake completely understands Sunghoon. It was his dream job and this is his first and supposed to be last. He'll lose the chance to seek justice for his parents if he'll lose his job.

Jake wasn't really affected since this is his first and if he gets fired, he can find another but also kinda sad since he also want to seek justice for his parents by himself. He remembered that Sunghoon love hugs so he hugged the younger. The younger hugged back and cried more on Jake's shoulder. "It's okay Sunghoon. Two weeks is more than enough, I know we'll solve this, the both of us. Please stay strong Hoon. Don't give up. I can't do this by myself, so do you, so we'll help each other okay." Jake said.

"I'm nervous Jake. What if we don't? What if we fail? What if both of us gets fired?" Sunghoon said. "If you'll think like that then we'll fail. Keep your thinking positive. Always think positively. Believe that both of us with the help of our secret detective Yeonjun, we can do it. I'm sure he already have leads. Two weeks is more than enough. Please Hoon. Please be strong." Jake said, crying. He didn't realize he was also crying. Sunghoon calmed down. He listened to Jake. He felt motivated now but the sadness caused by Mr. Bang's words were still there but Jake made it less. Knowing that  someone can make him calm like this and make him think positively, it made him happy.

"Thank you Jake. I will be strong for you. Please don't cry anymore. From now on, I'll think positively. Thank you for motivating me. Thank k you for making me believe that we'll succeed. Thank you for everything that you did. I'm happy to have you." Sunghoon thanked the older. "You're very welcome Sunghoon. As your assistant, I'll do anything for my boss to always feel that he can do anything." Jake said. "Jake, from now on, don't call me boss and don't call yourself my assistant anymore, more like partners, or friends helping together, that's much better. Okay?" Sunghoon said.

"Of course Hoon. Thank you!" Jake said then kissed the younger's cheek. Sunghoon froze. He wasn't expecting the younger's move. "I'll use the restroom Hoon. I'll be back quickly." Jake said running outside then went to the restroom. Sunghoon was left there touching his cheek which was heating up and becoming red. He felt something different in his stomach. He felt something weird but it's a good kind of weird. It felt good and like he was feeling comfort. He can't explain. He smiled and said "You're so cute Jakey. You give me feelings I can't understand. You're unique. I'm happy to have you."

Jake went back to Sunghoon's office and saw him getting ready. "Where are you going?" Jake asked. "We are going home. I'm tired. Let's continue some of our work at our home." Sunghoon said. Jake nodded and also readied. After they readied, they went to Sunghoon's car and headed home.


"Soobin, we're out of lies. We don't know how to lie to him anymore. Please think of a plan that's very helpful please." Tae said on the phone. "Hyung I'm sorry but I don't know what else to do. My friends here are detectives and they can help but they'll report me if I say the truth to them. Maybe they won't understand. And I'll go to jail." Soobin reasoned.

"Soobin, that's it. Get help from them. You just participated in kidnapping but not murder. We can bail you out of jail. Make them understand first. Explain everything to them. Tell them the honest truth so they'll trust you and we can bail you out." Jungkook said. "I don't know hyung. Should I?" Soobin said. He was thinking if he should or not. "Soobin, getting in jail and maybe losing your friends or dying?" Tae asked. "Okay then hyung. I'll tell them."

Soobin then ended the call and went outside his room. He called Yeonjun and told him to meet him at the backyard where there were tables and chairs, perfect for a group of friends to talk together. Jake and Sunghoon just arrived and he also told them to. Soobin was just waiting there since his friends are readying themselves. After a while, they arrived there and sat down.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk Soobin hyung?" Jake asked. "Yeah why did you gathered us three here?" Sunghoon also asked. "I have to say something very important. Please don't be really shocked and please don't hurt me. Please let me explain. I'll explain everything and tell you the truth. Please please please." Soobin said. The three were confused. "What is it then?" Sunghoon asked. "I know who are the suspects of the gang who kidnaps and murder people." Soobin said. "WHAT?!" Sunghoon and Jake said in unison and we're really shocked. "And also, I'm part of the gang." He added. Jake and Sunghoon were shocked still.

"Finally! You told us the truth." Yeonjun said getting the other three's attention.

"WHAT?!! YOU KNEW ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME?" Jake, Sunghoon, and Soobin asked shouting in a shocked voice.

        Will they accept Soobin? How did Yeonjun knew about it?

Finally Soobin told them. The action is kinda rising now. Please stay tuned for more.

BTW here's another update. Thank you for reading everyone. Stay safe and eat well!

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