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The two were running inside the mall almost bumping to some people. They don't mind if some may think they're crazy, they just need to watch a movie. "I don't think we're gonna make it Hoon." Jake said with disappointment in his voice.

"Trust me Jakey, we are gonna get tickets." Sunghoon replied confidently.

Sunghoon was right. They were just on time. "Two..tickets...for...the..new...romance..movie... please." Sunghoon said between his breathes. "That would be 8 dollars sir." The cashier said which was weirded  out by the two boys (or gays) catching their breathe.

"Thank you!" Sunghoon said and they immediately went inside the cinema after buying popcorn and drinks for the two of them.

The two were focused watching the movie. It feels good watching a movie after running. Just sitting down chilling and enjoying  watching.

"I'm really sorry. I've done a lot of things to you. We almost even got into a severe physical fight so I'm really sorry. I realized that the friendship we have was always there, it never faded. We were fighting just because of one girl we both love but now, I realized that you're the one I love the most. I really love you! "

(new story probably?🤔🤐🤫🤭)

The two were loving the movie, not as much they love each other though. While Sunghoon was getting some popcorn, he accidentally touched Jake's hand. He also realized that there's no more popcorn so he grabbed both of their hands out of the popcorn box.

Jake was too focused on the movie so he don't noticed that Sunghoon was holding their hand and intertwining it. When Sunghoon locked their hands, that's when Jake noticed it. Jake flinched because he was surprised by what Sunghoon did.

Jake just let it be not until Sunghoon kissed his cheek. "Hey! What was that for?" Jake said whispered shout. "Nothing really. You just look so cute." Sunghoon replied. Jake was now really confused and want answers.

"Sunghoon why do you act like this?" Jake asked. "Act like what?" Sunghoon asked back. "Act like I'm your boyfriend. You hold my hands, we cuddle, you kiss my cheek and sleep of the same bed while hugging sometimes." Jake said.

Sunghoon froze by the question. "Uh. Uhm. I-uh." He was stuttering.

"Fine." Sunghoon said and sighed.

"I can't hide these feelings anymore. When you were partnered to me as my assistant detective, I thought that you couldn't do anything right. I though you were gonna be an annoying shit but I was wrong. You were so helpful to me."

"You were a good friend rather than an assistant. You comforted me when Mr. Bang said I wasn't enough. When both of us can't investigate properly, you gave me motivation. I was then amazed by you. Y-you made me fall for you."

"Jake, I always feel butterflies in my stomach when I'm with you. I feel safe in your arms and I want to be there forever. Those cheeks of yours are really cute. Those attractive cheekbones and nose of yours. You eyes that shines like the stars."

"And those lips of yours that are very kissable."

"I really want you just for me and I feel jealous when you're with other people. At first, I don't know why I feel these so I asked Sunoo about it. He said that all I feel was normal and he said that what am I feeling is love."

"I like you Jake. I really really really like you. No, I love you!

Jake can't believe what Sunghoon just said. It's a dream come true. At first, he didn't thought that his crush also like him. He felt like he's dreaming. There's no way Sunghoon would be in love with him. If this is a dream he never wants to wake up ever again.

"Sunghoon, please slap me gently to confirm this isn't a dream please." Jake said.

"How about a kiss? Would that be okay?" Sunghoon asked.

Jake nodded in approval. Sunghoon leaned closer to Jake while Jake was closing his eyes. "Please be real, I hope this isn't a dream." Jake mumbled.

Jake felt a hand on the back of his head. It was Sunghoon's hand pulling it gently. Finally, their lips locked into each other. Sunghoon was in bliss when he felt how soft Jake's lips were.

While Jake, he was really happy, this isn't a dream. He started moving his lip too. The two were sharing a passionate kiss. No lust just love. After a few minutes, they broke the kiss grasping for air. "I like you too Sunghoon. I love you!" Jake replied. He hugged Sunghoon and they kissed again.

When the movie ended, the two went out the cinema and was walking to the park with their hand entwined together. "So Hoonie, now that we both know we like each other, what are we?" Jake asked. "I really want to ask you to be my boyfriend." Sunghoon replied.

"Then go ahead!" Jake replied. "It's too early Jakey. We can go out and have a date though and hang out together as more than friends. Then some time, I will ask you to be mine." Sunghoon said. "You're so sweet, that's why I really love you." Jake said that made Sunghoon smile and flustered.

They were just talking while walking towards their home when suddenly a man bumped into Sunghoon. "Ouch, watch where you're going man." Sunghoon said angrily. The man turned to them and it was... .Taehyun?

"Taehyun? What are you doing out running around this time? It's already 11pm, don't you know the time?" Sunghoon asked. "Uh-uhm I-uhm uh. I was playing tag with Beomgyu. You know that my boyfriend is childish and crackhead. By the way nice seeing you guys bye." Taehyung said then continued running away.

"That was weird." Jake said. "Yeah it is. We didn't see Beomgyu though soon don't know if he's telling the truth." Sunghoon said. "Yeah but let's forget about it. Maybe Beomgyu took the other way." Jake said. "Yeah, we gotta go home now, it's already late." Sunghoon said.

"Shut up. You just want cuddles." Jake said. "I do love cuddles but I'm not lying, it already late." Sunghoon said then showed Jake the time. "Oh yeah you're right, let's go now. The first to arrive gets a French kiss." Jake said.

Sunghoon didn't wasted anytime and started running. Jake also started running, the two probably considering it as an Olympic competition.

        Well that was kinda unexpected. I don't know what to feel about this chapter •_•

2-3 more chapters left.

New chapter out! Thanks for reading everyone. I hope you enjoyed it. Stay safe and healthy everyone.

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