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Sunghoon then got outside and then went slowly to Jake. "So Jake, did you came here by yourself? Or you have someone with you?" Soobin asked. "Well I'm with my friend. He's kind of a my boss since I'm his assistant." Jake replied. "Really? What's his name? Where is he?" Soobin asked. "He's at the- oh there he is walking towards here." Jake said looking at Sunghoon walking towards them. Sunghoon just stared at Soobin. Soobin does the same. Jake felt uneasiness.

"What's wrong with you two? Soobin? Why are you glaring at him like you're gonna kill him? And Sunghoon why do you look nervous?" Jake asked but the two was still silent. "GUYS WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?" Jake shouted but still, none of the two spoke. Soobin then slowly walked towards Sunghoon. Jake was also nervous of what will Soobin do to Sunghoon. Soobin then raised his hand and slapped Sunghoon's head.

"SOOBIN!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? HE DID NOTHING WRONG? WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Jake asked. "Sunghoon, when did you finished your training?" Soobin asked with a calm voice but you can still feel a little anger in it. "Uhm, two years ago." Sunghoon replied. "Then why didn't you fulfilled your promise to me?" Soobin asked. "Because I didn't know where you live. Yeonjun said that you changed address and school. I tried contacting you but I guess you've changed your number." Sure going said still looking down.

"Wait, hold the fuck up. You two know each other? Since when?" Jake asked and he was still ignored. "So you tried to contact me?" Soobin aksed. Sunghoon just nodded. "Then I'm sorry I didn't gave info. I should've went to your house too but I though that maybe you'll come to me first." Soobin said. He then hugged Sunghoon tightly and Sunghoon  hugged back. "I missed you Hoon!" Soobin said. "I missed you too Soobie." He replied. "Wait what the fuck? So Soobin hyung? YOU'RE SOOBIE? WTF? Well that's kinda relief so I won't track people anymore but still WTF?" Jake said.

"I'm sorry I slapped you Hoon. I thought you completely forgot about me." Soobin said. "Me? Forgetting the person that completes our trio? Hell nah!" Sunghoon said. The two then laughed and hugged again exchanging I miss you's.


Sunghoon and Soobin then ran to Jake and grabbed him. "We were just having our own moment. You should've just waited." Soobin said. "Yeah, Soobie's right." Sunghoon said. "Can we go inside and talk? I'm really confused about the fuck that is happening." Jake said. "Sure let's go.".Soobin said.

The three of them went inside. Jake then went to a table while Soobin and Sunghoon were ordering ice cream and some donuts. Jake then called Sunghoon's home phone. "Hello? This is Hanseon speaking of the Mr. Park's residence. How may I help you?" Hanseon spoke. "Oh hi Mr. Hanseon. This is Jake. You know Sunghoon's assistant. Can you please tell Yeonjun to come at Ice Cream Haven? Please tell him to be quick." Jake said. "Oh Jake. Yeah sure. I'll tell Yeonjun. I'll also make him hurry." Hanseon said. "Yay. Thank you!" Jake said then hung up.

Soobin and Sunghoon then went to the table with Jake. They were talking and laughing. Jake then hurriedly stood up and went to the counter. "Wait Jake! Where are you going? Stay here." Sunghoon said. "Uhm, I'm just gonna buy an ice cream. Anything wrong about that?" He replied. "But you already have one. Hoon and I bought you your favorite flavor." Soobin said. "Well I never said I'm gonna buy it for myself." Jake replied.

Soobin and Sunghoon was confused. If its not for him, then who is it for. After 3 minutes, Jake went back to the table. He then put the ice cream he ordered beside him. It was a mint chocolate ice cream. "Ewww. Not that toothpaste ice cream." Soobin said. "Why the fuck would you eat that?" Sunghoon asked. Jake then rolled his eyes and sighed loudly.

"For fuck's sake I've told both of you THIS IS NOT MINE. OKAYYYY???! "Jake said, raising his voice, startled the two other males with him. "Calm down Jake. If it's not for you, then who is it for?" Soobin said. "It's for him." Jake said pointing at a man near the door that was wearing a leather jacket and jeans, also a very rad shades that really looks cool on him. The man then went closer to the boy's table since Jake signalled him too.

The man then sat down beside Jake. He looks like he had just his hair cut since his undercut looks fresh. "Jake who's that?" Sunghoon asked. "Bruh, you see him almost everyday and you don't even recognize him just because of his new haircut?" Jake said. "What? Are you Jay?" Sunghoon asked. The man then removed his shades and looked at Sunghoon and Soobin. "Hey Soobie! How are you?" The man asked.

"Y-yeonjun? Is that y-you?" Soobin asked. "Of course it's me." Yeonjun said then ate his ice cream. "So that was for you?" Sunghoon asked. "Yes, since all of you are disgusted by this. It's really good. You just think that it taste like toothpaste just because of the smell but when you eat it, it's really good." Yeonjun said. "And I've heard that a lot of times." Sunghoon said. Soobin was still staring at Yeonjun. He probably can't believe that he grew so well. He became into a fine man.

"I'll melt with your ice cream if you're just gonna stare at me Soobie." Yeonjun said. Soobin then stopped staring at him then laughed awkwardly. "Sorry. I just missed you. You really grew up well. You became more handsome." Soobin said then looked down since he blushed a bit. "Come here." Yeonjun said then stood up asking Soobin for a hug. Soobin then stood up and hugged Soobin.

Sunghoon was just smiling at the two. He remembered back then how Yeonjun told him how handsome Soobin was and he had a crush on him. Soobin also tells him that Yeonjun is handsome and also had a crush on him. Both of them had mutual feelings. Sunghoon knew all their feelings for each other but he didn't told the two that they had same feelings. Sunghoon is really a very reliable person.

Yeonjun and Soobin then sat down. Yeonjun scooped a spoonful of mint chocolate then handed to Soobin. He wanted Soobin to taste it. "Here it this." He said. "No way! Never! I'll never eat that toothpaste chocolate." Soobin said. "You promised to me right?" Yeonjun said. "That was a long time ago!" Soobin reasoned. "But it's still a promise." Yeonjun said.

Soobin then ate the ice cream and slowly ate it. "Well how was it? Jake, Sunghoon, and Yeonjun asked. "Well, actually, it's good. I like it. I don't know anymore why I hated this. This is really good." Soobin said. "Really?" Sunghoon asked. "Yes it is you should try it. You too Jake. Try it." Soobin replied. "I also love mint chocolate y'know." Jake said. Sunghoon then took a scoop and tasted it. "You're right it's good." Sunghoon said then  smiled.

The four friends were chit chatting while eating their ice cream. Having fun but, will it last long?

        Yay. I updated earlier haha. So this was just the friends reunion. They will have more fun, hanging out and feel their happiness to the fullest but again, will it last long?
Thanks for reading. Have a good day!

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