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Sunghoon drove faster and spotted a gas station. He hopped out of the car and ran to the restroom. "Gosh Sunghoon why are you like this? What's with Jake having other friends? Why are you furious about it?" Sunghoon asked himself. He just washed his face and bought some snacks for Jake and Jimin. He then came back to the car after.

"Jake, Jimin hyung, I bought foods for us. Eat up, it's still a long ride." Sunghoon said that gained the attention of the two who was talking. "Oh thank you Sunghoon." Jimin said. "Thank you Hoonie." Jake said that made Sunghoon blush and smile. Sunghoon then was calm and started driving at a not too fast speed since the other passengers are eating.

On the other hand, Yeonjun was also eating beside Soobin. Soobin was still sleeping peacefully and Yeonjun wants to wake him up to eat but he just wait till Soobin wakes up and he can feed him. Yeonjun just finished eating when the ECG Monitor started beeping. "Oh my God. Nurse! The machine is beeping!" Yeonjun shouted.

"Soobin no, please, don't leave us, please. I didn't have the chance to say I like and love you very much. I haven't told you that I loved since we were kids, you were my childhood crush. I wanted to go in dates with you and ask you to be my boyfriend and I'll be with you til the rest of you life. Soobin please don't leave us." Yeonjun said crying.

The nurse hasn't arrived still yet and it worried Yeonjun more but suddenly, Soobin spoke.

"You're too overreacting, the wire just got loosen." Soobin said smiling to Yeonjun.
"Don't cry I'm still alive." He added.

The nurse then arrived and asked what happened. Yeonjun told the nurse to tighten all the wires connected to Soobin, he said he was worried when the machine started beeping. After the nurse left, Soobin was already awake and silence was occupying the room.

"I didn't knew you like me." Soobin said. Yeonjun just had his head down due to embarrassment. "Of course you don't. I haven't told you yet. I didn't expect my love declaration for you to revealed in a situation like this though." He said laughing a little bit.

"I know you don't feel the same as I do but please just let me be like this. It doesn't mean that if I like you, you have to like me back." He added.

"And who told you I don't like you back?" Soobin asked that shocked Yeonjun. "Are you saying that you like me too?" Yeonjun asked in a shocked face. "Yes I do." Soobin awkwardly replied. "Since when?" "Since we were kids too. I started seeing you more than a friend." Soobin said. "Oh my God thank goodness. Let's save the talking later, now, you have to eat." Yeonjun said.

"I already ate earlier so this means that only you will eat now and with that condition of yours, you can't eat by yourself so I'll feed you. This our favorite ramen!" Yeonjun said. "But I'll be a pain in the ass." Soobin said. "Wevre not fucking, don't say that." Yeonjun replied. "Eww, you pervert." Soobin said. Yeonjun just laughed. "Just let me feed you. You're not a burden to me. I just feel happy to be with you right now and more happy now that I know I got crushed back." He said while happily feeding his soon-to-be boyfriend.

Sunghoon and the others now arrived at their destination. "So he really pursued in building a mansion." Jimin said. "You knew Jimin hyung?" Sunghoon asked. "I told him to not to because their house was already big and his mom loves that, that's what she said when she was conscious but he destroyed it and built this. I remembered this exact spot. Do you also remember coming here Jake?" Jimin said. "Yeah, this is the place where Soobin hyung lives but it's kinda hard to tell now since there are a lot of changes." Jake replied.

"So what's the plan?" Jake asked. "Well we go inside and I'll talk to Yoongi. Just that. You just gotta be the audience of the show." Jimin said. "Are you sure Jimin hyung? You won't get stabbed right?" Sunghoon asked him worriedly.

"Yoongi would never hurt me. He hasn't seen me in two years but we're still in a relationship, I know him well and he'll never get into another relationship. He'll do anything to take me back. He'll be in jail but I can bail him right?" Jimin said. "You can bail him if he promise he won't commit the crime again and the the bail amount cost millions." Sunghoon said. "Then he'll sell this mansion if he should. I know him well. You'll both see." Jimin replied.

The three went out the car. Went inside the gate confidently. The two was close to the main door and they see a man with the red hair standing with a big gun. The two went close and the man quickly pointed his gun to them. "Who are you? What do you need?" The man asked. Jimin then took off his mask and hat.

"Long time no see Hoseok." Jimin said. "J-jimin? I-s that you?" Hoseok asked. "No bitch I'm Soobin. Of course it's me dummy." Jimin sarcastically said. "And who are these with you?" Hoseok asked. Jake also took off his hat. "Hi hyung!" Jake said. "Jake? Soobin's little cousin? You're so big now. You were so cute and little back then. " Hoseok said then pinched Jake's cheeks.

'Why does everyone knows Jake and why is that guy kinda flirting?' Sunghoon thought.

"Hoseok, everyone grows, nobody stays as a baby forever. This ain't boss baby." Jimin said. "At least I didn't watched that movie just to learn to speak English." Hoseok replied. "You bitch, just get out the way, I'm here to see Yoongi." Jimin replied. "Oh yeah he's inside in the couch." Hoseok said then let the three people inside.

The three walked inside and was mesmerized by the design of the house. The big chandelier in the living room. Fancy couches, the dining table was elegant. It was like the richest person in the world's home. They then laid their eyes on the couch and found a man sitting and holding a glass of wine, drinking.

Jimin coughed to get Yoongi's attention. Yoongi was annoyed. "Why the fuck would you cough in front of m-. Jimin?! I-is that you? I missed you!" Yoongi said then ran to Jimin and hugged him. Jimin just let the older hugged him. He was just stoic and did not hugged back.

"Why didn't you contacted me for the past 2 years, I was worried. I tried finding you but that was impossible to find you. You're good at hiding." Yoongi said. Jimin just looked at him straight in the face and slapped him.

"Ow! What was that for?" Yoongi asked. "Why did you stabbed Soobin? He's your brother. Are you nuts? Do you want me to stab you too?!" Jimin said in the angriest tone you could imagine.



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Yo guys, we reached #1 on Jakehoon

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Yo guys, we reached #1 on Jakehoon. Yayyyyy. Thank you everyone!

So, I will update my other story 'My Annoying Lover' later and another one on Monday since I'm happy haha.

Jimin is so angry. Small but terrible.

BTW. Thank you guys for reading! I hoped you enjoy reading. Have a good day and stay safe everyone!

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