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Jake was about to call the police but he remembered that he was one of them. Thinking that he'll be considered as a hero when he saves his Sunghoon alone. But he don't know the dangers Sunghoon was facing.

He then decided to maybe get a little help from Soobin and Yeonjun. When he was about to press call, someone tapped him from the back.

"Hey, come with me, I might have a hint where they brought your friend." The man who was smoking said. "Uhm hi! Who are you? Why should I trust you?" Jake asked. "I'm Kim Seungmin. A pleasure to meet you Sim Jaeyun." Seungmin said.

"How do you know my name? Why are you trying to help me?" Jake asked. "Stop with the questions just trust me and come with me!" Seungmin said angrily.

"I have no choice, I should just come with him. Maybe he's a friend of Sunghoon." Jake thought.

"Okay fine. I'll come with you." Jake said and sighed. "Good, let's come to my car." Seungminsaid and pulled Jake gently making sure he won't get hurt.

Jake sat on the back seat. "Sit beside me." Seungmin suggested. "No thanks, I'm comfortable here." Jake said. "Okay, do you mind if I put some air freshener?" Seungmin asked. "Yeah sure it's fine." Jake replied.

Seungmin then wore a mask and sprayed something on the aircon of his car. Jake's vision was now kinda blurry. He kinda felt he's gonna pass out or fall asleep. He didn't
know why is he feeling this but he can't do anything. He then fell asleep on the backseat.

Seungmin looked at Jake and smirked behind his mask. "Yes, the plan is working." Seungmin mumbled then drove away.


"Jake! Jake! Wake up!" Seungmin was waking up Jake gently slapping his cheek. "Jake! Wake up! We're here." He added.

Jake then woke up and still felt a little dizzy. "Seungmin?" Jake asked. "Yes it's me. Wake up now, we gotta get moving." Seungmin replied. Jake then stepped outside the car and saw an abandoned building.

Jake looked at his smart watch and looked at the time. It was already 8pm so it was dark and the building was really dark. "Don't be scared Jake, take this with you." Seungmin said handing a flashlight to Jake.

"Thanks. Let's go inside?" Jake said. "Yeah let's go. Don't go away from me so you won't be lost." Seungmin said. "Are you sure they're here? Who the hell would bring a hostage here?" Jake asked. "Look over there." Seungmin said then pointed a direction on the left. Jake then pointed his flashlight and saw a van.

"Does that van seems familiar?" Seungmin asked. "That's the van Taehyun and the guy wearing a mask used to kidnap Sunghoon." Jake said. "So that means they're here so let's go and not waste more time." Seungmin said.

Jake nodded then the two decided to go inside. Jake was sneaking and stealthy. He was making sure that he doesn't make a sound so that the people who kidnapped Sunghoon won't think that someone was there.

Seungmin on the other hand was walking loudly. His shoes was rubbing the floor roughly and it made a little bit loud noises. It made Jake annoyed. It seems like Seungmin wants the kidnappers to know that they're there

"Seungmin! Can you walk without making a sound? Taehyun and the other guy might notice the sound and may think someone is here. We can't save Sunghoon if that happens." Jake said.

Seungmin just rolled his eyes and walked loudly towards Jake. "What's with Sunghoon and you? Why are you so worried to him?" Seungmin asked.

"Because he is my best friend and soon to be boyfriend." Jake replied.

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