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Soobin went inside his apartment with Yeonjun. There were still some boxes that weren't touched so Yeonjun just carried them outside. Soobin on the other hand was packing his clothes inside his bag. Both of them finished packing. Yeonjun was waiting in his car. Soobin was about to leave when someone called him. His phone was new so he don't know who it is since his contacts weren't saved.

"Hello!? Who is this?" Soobin spoke. "Hey Soobin! It's us, Tae and Kook." The caller said. "Oh hey. It's about me quitting isn't it?" Soobin said with a sad voice. "Yeah about that. You know Soobin how I and Kook loves you. We treat you like our son. You always count on us and we want to do the best for you." Taehyung said on the phone.

"The easiest solution is for you to come back. I know you don't want to come back, you want to have a free life and we support you 100%. Coming back also is dangerous because I know Yoongi will lock you up and give you punishments. We just got a call from him earlier and said he wants you dead and we don't want that. You know your brother Soobin, we can't stop him. What he wants is what he gets. If only he's here, he can stop Yoongi. We tried everything to find him but still no info." Taehyung said.

Taehyung and Jungkook are two of Yoongi's friends. They are a couple for 5 years already but doesn't have the guts to adopt so they treated Soobin as their own since Yoongi doesn't act like a family or a brother to him. Soobin can easily tell his problem to them and only they knew that Soobin planned to escape. They didn't stopped Soobin, instead they supported him. They too wanted to quit but they know the consequences. They hoped that Yoongi will consider Soobin since he's his brother but he's a bitch, it didn't matter to him.

"I know hyung but I really hate what I'm doing right now. I pity the people we victimize. They're innocent and we just easily kill them.  I really hope you can find him sooner. For now, I'll stay at my friend's house since he invited me to live there." Soobin said.

"We will try our best to find him Soobin. It's the only way to save you. It's really hard to make Yoongi realize that what's he's doing isn't for your mom anymore, it's for his own greed. He has a lot of money already but he thinks it's not enough. Your mom is already fine right, she's just in a coma so Yoongi just can't get enough with money. He's very greedy now. Just be safe Soobin, well find a reason to tell Yoongi we haven't killed you yet which we'll never do!" Jungkook said.

"Thanks to both of you hyungs! Be safe too like I will. I might help you to find him if I can come up an idea to. Bye hyung. I love you both and be safe." Soobin said. "Bye too Soobin we love you too and be safe." The couple on the phone said. Soobin ended the call looking worried. He heard footsteps by the door and he was shocked to see Yeonjun.

"Oh Yeonjun it's just you, you scared me. When were you still there?".Soobin said. "Just now, I've been waiting for you but you were taking so long so I came here to check on you. When I went up here you were just in call with someone." Yeonjun said. "Oh yeah, it's my company, they just said that I shouldn't forget to go back to work on time." Soobin said. "So that's why you look kinda worried. Don't be, enjoy your time here before stressing out for your work." Yeonjun said. Soobin just nodded and smiled to him. "The lie worked." Soobin thought.

"Let's go now. Sunghoon and Jake must be waiting for us. Let's hurry before they get worried." Yeonjun said giving Soobin his hand to make him stand. "Alright let's go." Soobin replied enthusiastically. Both of them went inside the the car and drove to their home. The ride wasn't silent, both of them were really loud. Both were singing songs from their childhood. The ride was kinda long but it was short for them since they were enjoying it. Time is slow when you're happy.

They arrived to Sunghoon's house. Memories came flashing back to Soobin when he saw the house. It was where he spent almost all of his childhood. The house has minor changes but Soobin still recognized it. Yeonjun put his arms around Soobin's shoulders. It scared Soobin a little bit but he blushed by it. His feelings for the older were still there. "Let's go inside?" Yeonjun asked. "Yeah sure let's go but, my boxes, I'll go back to get them." Soobin said. "Don't bother, Sunghoon will ask the maids to get those and arrange it for you." Yeonjun said. Soobin just smiled and signalled Yeonjun for them to get inside.

The two went inside and saw Jake and Sunghoon looking worried. Jake then ran to Soobin and hugged him. "Why were you two took to long? I thought something happened to you." Jake said. "Don't worry Jakey. I just got a call from my company that's why we we took so long. Also blame the traffic." Soobin replied. . "You should've texted me!" Jake said. "Oh yeah I forgot but, we're here now don't worry." Soobin said and hugged Jake again. He kissed the younger's cheek and Jake calmed down then. Sunghoon didn't liked what Soobin did. He felt uneasy. Something in him doesn't want Soobin to do that. He don't know why. He don't know what was it.

"Do you still remember where your old room was?" Sunghoon asked to get the attention of the two cousins. "Yeah of course I did. I would never forget." Soobin replied. "You should go there now and place your things. I'll ask the maids to carry your boxes to you room." Sunghoon said. Soobin then went upstairs to his room with Yeonjun. Jake was about to go with them but Sunghoon held his wrist. He then got pulled into a hug which Jake did not expect. It didn't mean he didn't liked it, he was just surprised but he hugged back. "What's with the house Sunghoon?" Jake asked. "Nothing, I just like hugging you." Sunghoon replied. Jake was confused why but he just gave in since he also love hugs, more like, the one who hugged him.

Soobin was in his room arranging his things. He thanked Yeonjun for helping him. Yeonjun excused himself saying his parents called him. He then lay down on the bed, drowning in his thoughts. "I wanna live my life. I wanna enjoy it, but how will I enjoy if I know that there's a person who likes to kill me? I should find him sooner but it's impossible." Soobin thought.

"Should I tell Sunghoon and Jake about it? Should I ask for their help?" He thought.

        Will Soobin ask help to his friends? And who is the "He" they're talking about? Stay tuned to find out.

Okay so someone just messaged me and asked "Where does Yeonjun live and what is his work?" The answer is; Yeonjun lives in their house with his parents but since his parents (mostly his mom since his dad only comes home during his day off and his mom only works there MWF) work at Sunghoon's he often goes there and sleep in the room where Soobin has now. He works sometimes as a maid at Sunghoon's just to tease him by calling him Mr. Park, it annoys and cringes Sunghoon. He has another work and will be revealed on the next chapter or so. It's kinda obvious though I think.

Thank you for reading everyone. Have a good day. Stay safe and eat well!

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