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Sunghoon and Jake were at the car playing games on their phone when Jimin knocked on the car window. Sunghoon immediately opened the window since Jimin is talking and he can't hear him. "Yoongi said he'll go to the police station and surrender. Come with us, also call Soobin and Yeonjun to come too because he'll apologize personally." Jimin said.

"Okay Jimin hyung. Come in now." Sunghoon said while Jake called Yeonjun.

Yoongi now realized everything. He now realized he was very evil, greedy, and selfish. He prioritised his own desires than taking care of his own brother. He promised now that if the court ever let him bail, he'll go bind with Soobin to make it up for him. And most, he hoped that Soobin will forgive him. He will take care of his mom now since she's expected to wake up anytime soon.

Luckily, Soobin wasn't fast asleep yet so he easily woke up when Yeonjun called him. He was afraid if his hyung because if the incident. He got stabbed by his own brother so he was scared to face him again but he's a good person. He wants Yoongi to explain and apologize to him. He then went to Yeonjun and they drove to the police station.

When they arrived there, Sunghoon and the others were already there. He saw Yoongi and he haven't seen his brother like that. Yoongi's eyes were puffy since he cried and he looks so sad. He was always have a fierce and stoic dance so seeing Yoongi being sad is new to his sight.

Yoongi was shy and scared to go near Soobin and apologize. He thinks that his brother might not forgive him. But even if he won't forgive him, it's his fault so even with hesitance, he still went to Soobin and kneeled in front of him. "Soobin, I'm really sorry. Sorry for everything I did. Sorry I stabbed you. Sorry I was being a jerk to you. Sorry for being selfish. Sorry for not being the best brother you could have. I'm really sorry. If I can go back in time, I'll really promise to not treat you like this."

"I'm not asking you to forgive me. I just want you to know that I already regretted the things I've done and I ain't doing them again. If ever I can bail out of jail, I promise I'll make it up to you and apologize for being a the worst brother ever. I'm really sorry Soobin. I'm really really sorry. You may hate me as much as you want, I really deserve it." Yoongi said while sobbing in Soobin's feet.

Soobin kneeled down to level his hyung. "Hyung gosh don't kneel in front of me. Stand up hyung. Yes you're right that you may not have been the brother I needed but don't think I'll ever hate you. If you didn't agree to mom that she'll adopt me, I'm not here right now and I'm thankful for you because you wanted a brother. Even though you were mean to me, you never treated me right and you stabbed me, I want you to know that I never hated you. I'm ready to forgive you hyung."

"I want you to know hyung that I love you and mom so much. Thank you for everything hyung. Please stand don't kneel." Soobin said who teared up while saying those words. He cried because he felt that his hyung is very sincere and true to his words. He felt that Yoongi realized all of his mistakes. He saw the possibility that Yoongi might change.

"Thank you Soobin and still I'm very sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you. You're such good and pure human being. I can't believe someone like you exist." Yoongi said then hugged his brother. "Hyung I already forgive you. I'm looking forward to everything you said. I hope you'll change completely hyung. Don't do the bad things you did before anymore and I hope to bond with you more as brothers." Soobin said. "I'll try my best for you and my Jimin." Yoongi said.

"But now, I still have to pay for my bad deeds." Yoongi said. While they were talking, Sunghoon and Jake came back from talking to the police. "Okay good news and kinda bad news." Jake said. "The judge decided that Yoongi hyung can bail himself for $250,000 if he promised to not to his bad doings again and if he did, he'll be executed but the bad news is, he'll still be imprisoned for a month." Sunghoon said.

"That's kinda okay though. It's just a month. I can handle that." Yoongi said. "But the money? We don't have that slot." Jimin said. Yoongi then pulled out his wallet and he had a lot of money. He also have a lot of credit and debit cards. He then handed his wallet to Jimin. "My love, you can get the money from here. Each of that card has a million dollars amount inside and I earned it in a bad way so I want to spend it in a good way. I want you to donate some of the money to some orphanage and charities." Yoongi exclaimed.

Yeonjun, Soobin, Sunghoon, Jake and Jimin had their jaw dropped to the floor. "That's a lot of money what the fuck?" The five said in chorus. They then looked at each other and laughed how they synced together.

Yoongi now bid farewell to them and now started his 1 month imprisonment. He already signed the paper in agreement that he will never do his evil doings again and if he'll ever do it again, his life will be the payment. Jimin and Soobin hugged him for the last time before going home and rest. Yeonjun went back to his home. Soobin was still sleeping at Sunghoon's house but he'll go live back in the mansion tomorrow to take care of his mom.

Sunghoon called Mr. Bang. He told him that the case is already solved and they will go to the headquarters tomorrow for the recognition of their success. Jake was really happy that they already solved the case. It was tiring for him.

Sunghoon wanted to kinda celebrate but he's too tired to think of an activity. 'Let's save the celebration tomorrow. I don't know why but I want Jake's hugs right now. And oh right, he'll tell me today why he experiences nightmares and panicking.' Sunghoon thought.

"Jake!" Sunghoon called. "Yes?" Jake asked. "Well you told me earlier that you'll tell me why you experiences your nightmares so, I wanna ask you if you wanna talk about it in my room and, maybe uhm, have a sleepover there. It's awkward saying this but uhm, I kinda missed your hugs.".Sunghoon said shyly and was blushing. "Yes Hoon! I will." Jake said excitedly . "Then go to my room after you shower okay?" Sunghoon said. "Yeah I will Hoon."

      Hoon, you catching feels bruh?

BTW new chapter out. It's really late so I'm sorry. I hoped you enjoyed reading. Thank for reading. Have a good day, always be safe and make sure to eat well!

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