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"Sir Yoongi." A maid approached him. "Yes Connie? What do you need?" Yoongi replied. "Well I was cleaning your brother, Soobin's room then I found this under his pillow." The maid said. She then handed the thing she found to Yoongi. It was their badge.

Wearing your badge means you're part of their group. Never ever you can take it off unless you change clothes and shower. Taking it off means quitting. Yoongi then threw the badge to the floor causing it to break.

The maid saw Yoongi's anger. She excused herself and walked away from Yoongi. Once he is mad at someone, he'll do whatever it takes to kill that person. "I don't care if you're my brother Soobin. I'll kill you once I see you. You shitty brat."


Soobin was still with his old friends. Jake was sharing his memories from his training. He was having fun listening to Jake's story. He then looked outside the shop and saw their van that was used during kidnapping. "I knew Yoongi hyung would find it out but this early? Or maybe they're just gonna kidnap again? I hope they will stop this. If I can just stop my brother like he does, I've done it a long time ago but I don't know where he is now." Soobin thought.

He then just ignored and continued listening to Jake's story. It was kinda hard to identify Soobin now since he had a new hairstyle and dyed his hair blue. His face had wrinkles due to the lack of rest and sleep during living in their mansion but he already went to a dermatologist and tightened his skin.

Soobin then thought, "What if I tell Jake and Sunghoon I know who the kidnappers were, but I know they'll question why do I know since they thought I'm always in America. I just really want to have a new life. I want to live but I know Yoongi hyung will do anything to kill me even if I'm his so-called brother. I want to be protected since Yoongi hyung doesn't really care if I get wounds when we're kidnapping."

Jake was talking about how his friend Seokjin was struggling to do a pull up. Soobin focused on the conversation and luckily they didn't noticed he was spacing out.

Talking and talking and talking. Yeonjun then suddenly asked, " Jake, Sunghoon, both of you are having fun today. Have you already solved the case?" "No we haven't, but Jake has a lead though. He made the blurry picture HD and the face now was clearer and easy to search. And also, it's nice to take a break for once in a while with my childhood friends and my new friend here." Sunghoon said then pinched Jake's cheeks then Jake giggled.

Soobin was shocked but he didn't show it. "How did they have a picture? We already shoot the CCTV and made sure it was broken and not working. I hope I'm not the one seen on the CCTV. Who could it be?" He thought.

"What cases are you talking about?" Soobin asked, pretending he didn't knew since they knew he wasn't in Korea for a long time. "Oh yeah about that. There is a new group that kidnaps people and take their organs, maybe to sell them." Jake said. "Also hyung, the lead I talking about was was Hoseok hyung. I haven't seen Yoongi hyung and his friend for so long, where are they?" He added.

Jake then faced his phone screen to Soobin to let him see the picture. Soobin then saw it and it was really Hoseok. " Yeah you're right, it looks like Hoseok hyung but I haven't seen him for so long too. Same to my brother and mother, I haven't seen them." Soobin said. "WHAT?! What do you mean you haven't seen them?" Jake asked.

"Well I came from America this week and my old phone was broken so I bought a new one but my family's contact were there so I can't find them since they moved house after I went to the states." Soobin said.

"Did you try to find them?" Yeonjun asked. "Well no." Soobin said. The three left face palmed themselves. "You should've find them. How will you know where are they if you don't try to find them." Sunghoon asked. "Well I'll find them after I finish my contract in America." Soobin said, running out of lies to tell. "When will your contract end?" Jake asked. "Next month." Soobin replied. "Wow Soobin, such a great liar." He thought to himself.

"Oh Soobin by the way, where do you live?" Sunghoon asked. "Uhm I rented an apartment few blocks from here." Soobin replied, with a smile since it wasn't a lie. "Why not live in my house? The room you used to sleep in is still there y'know. Only Yeonjun sleeps there whenever he's on duty." Sunghoon said. "Wouldn't I be around burden?" Soobin asked.

"You and Jake have same brain cells. Why would you ever think that letting my friends live in my house would be a burden?" Sunghoon asked. "Well maybe you'll get annoyed when I'm there." Soobin replied. "When you lived there when we were young, did you annoy me?" Sunghoon asked. "Uhm I don't think so, so no." Soobin replied. "Then no! You're not annoying me. Pack your bags now and go to my house. I'll go home with Jake right now and Yeonjun can help you with your stuff. Is it okay with you?" Sunghoon said.

"Well if I'm welcomed then, yes."Soobin said. "Then let's get going." Sunghoon said then looked at Yeonjun and winked at him. Yeonjun had a "wth did you just do" face. Sunghoon knew all the time that those two had feelings for each other so he tried to resurrect their feelings.

Jake just followed Sunghoon wondering why did it happen like I'm less than 10 minutes. He wondered how he just convinced Soobin like that when Soobin ignored Jake sometimes when they were still kids playing at their house. Both of them went inside the car. "This is going to be fun. Soobin is back in my house. Yay!" Sunghoon said. Jake was feeling jealous. He wants Sunghoon to be happy and excited because of him and not his cousin. But Sunghoon was happy because he can get Yeonjun and Soobin be together, not only because one of his best friends were back.

Yeonjun and Soobin was left. Soobin then held Yeonjun's hand. He looked at the older's face and smiled at him. "Come on Yeonjunie, I'll show you where I live and help me pack. I know we're gonna have fun again. Make it our most memorable times in our life while I'm still alive." Soobin said.

Yeonjun was mesmerized by Soobin's charm and visual but he was shocked by what Soobin said. "What do you mean while you're still alive?" Yeonjun said confused. "What I meant was, let's enjoy while I'm still at Korea." Soobin said then laughed. Both of them left the ice cream shop and went to Soobin's apartment.


"Yoongi, we already spotted him. He was with his friends and now going back to his apartment with a boy. Are you sure you want him to be killed? He's you're brother isn't he?" The male named Taehyung said on the phone. "I don't care. That's the rules and the rules are rules. I don't care if they're my friends or family or whatever the fuck they are. When I say kill him then KILL HIM! GOT THAT?!" Yoongi shouted. "Okay we will. Copy that." Taehyung replied.

        Here's another update. Should we say bye bye to Soobin?

Sorry for not updating for like a few days. I've been busy writing. Thanks for reading. Have a good day everyone. Stay safe.

If you may wonder what other story I am writing, I'm writing the Jake's Birthday//Halloween special of my first book which is "Love Will Unite Us". Will be published on Monday. Stay tuned.

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