Chapter 1

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I fiddled with my golden, precious wedding ring on my finger while I laid on my soft couch. I sighed to myself, hearing the silence. It was so strange to hear, after hearing my children run around the house.

"You're still awake?" Asked My husband, Henry, as he came into my view, so suddenly and so quietly. I gave him a weak smile, seeing his brunette hair fall in front of his face, his nose, jawline and cheekbone looked bolder in the dark, and his hazel eyes almost stared right through you.

"I can't sleep" I whispered to him, avoiding waking our three sleeping children - Tyson, Victoria, Will. Victoria was the youngest, at aged 3, and our only daughter. Will was our middle child, at age 5 and lastly, Tyson was our oldest at age 7. I had Tyson when I was only 17, 4 years after I lost my family in that house fire. Henry sat down beside me, making
Me scuffle my knees to my chest to keep some distance from him - we married so young, too young.

"Another nightmare..?" He whispered to me, sympathetically. Henry and I met not so long after I was orphaned, we both thought we found true love but we were both oh-so wrong. We both the complete opposite, in fact. I just shrugged my shoulders at his question and went to get off the couch but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me Back down beside him. I made a little gasp once I hit my back on the couch and Henry leaned very close to my face, I could every detail on his face, in the dark. I could see every piece in his stubble and his healed up  pierced ear lobe. I was... scared. He analysed my Face, taking it all in for memory.

"You know you can tell me anything" he promised me, his breath hitting my face. I hesitantly nodded my head at him, simply just to give him what he wants. He smiled to himself and viewed my thighs in my shorts and he rubbed his ghastly hand on them.

"Henry... no, not with the kids" I gently pushed his hand off me and hurriedly got off the couch, so we couldn't do a repeat of history. I made my way out of the living room, feeling his eyes burn into the back of me as I made my way up the stairs. Fuck Henry, seriously. We're still only together for the children in all honesty, and I'm waiting for Henry to crack. To properly crack. So, I can have the children to myself. As selfish as that sounds, but Henry is horrible. I can barely leave them alone for too long with him.

I made my way down the corridor, viewing the paintings and framed photos on the way beside me, and the railing on the other side of me. I stopped tip toeing once I got to the door, decorated with butterflies and a stick-on Letter 'V' for Victoria. I creaked Open the door and peered my head inside to see sweet Victoria fast asleep, her dirty blonde hair - she inherited that colour from my mother - covered her adorable face as she laid fast asleep. I smiled to myself and slowly creaked the door shut. I only took a few steps beside me to reach Will's and Tyson's shared bedroom. I slowly pushed open the door to see Will asleep in his toy story sheets. Then, Tyson was passed out practically, he was quite a snorer and I could see the gap in his teeth, since he lost a tooth today. Once I was satisfied to see my babies fast asleep, I decided to also sleep.

While I was brushing my teeth, I viewed the burn scar on my collarbone through the mirror. I adjusted my straight, dark brunette hair to cover it up a little more and I went back to brushing my teeth. I took a good look at myself in the mirror. I had arched, neatened eyebrows that complimented my ocean blue eyes and I had bolder freckles, since it was summer time.

Hannibal's POV

Then Grace had a perfect bone structure on her face. She had bold cheekbones and a sharp jawline, as sharp as a knife. She had a perfect nose shape, that also perfected her side profile, and she had such a perfect lip shape, an angelic lip shape. I looked away from her photo and onto her file. Lost her family at aged 13 in a house fire, that she managed to get out of... afraid she was the only one to do so. In that house, she lost her two parents, her two dogs, and her older brother, who was named Tyson and was age 18. Since she was the only survivor, she was sent to the system because her remaining family were unreachable. At aged 16, she left home and went somewhere new. Her foster family didn't know where was new, however. At aged 18, she made her vows and 7 years later, Grace finally decided to get therapy, mainly because of her unspeakable nightmares.

I turned off my office light and neatly tucked away Grace Manson's file, then went to rest in my bed. I was Intrigued by this Grace. Not only was she the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, she was also broken. I can pick up her broken pieces and fix her. It is such a shame she's married, but she is clearly unhappy because she should of not needed to come here, 10 years later.

Graces POV

"GAH!-" I shrieked, quickly sitting up from my dream. I felt my face to realise it's no longer a dream - this is real. I felt my clothes stick to my back and I slowly looked at the bed sheets to see them soaked in my own sweat, just from the 4 hours of sleep I had. As I was taking in deep breaths, I looked over at Henry's side of the bed to see he already woke up not so long ago, since his side of the bed was made. I got a notification off my phone so I used my shaking to see a text from my new therapist.

Good morning, Mrs. Manson. I'd like to you inform of our appointment at 10:00. Please do not be late, I find it rude.
- H

Oh this therapist does not mess around. I'm not even sure if therapy will be good for me, maybe it'll just refresh some memories I suppressed so long ago into the back of my mind, or what if my therapist some person who ALSO needs therapy? Like, maybe he is a massive murderer and wants to murder me next- PING

Morning, baby mama! I'm fancying some coffee, are you? ;)

I smiled down at my best friends text, Asha. She's been there for me for so long. I remember when I ran away from the system, she begged me to stay. I never felt so wrong for doing something so right, but we never lost contact - ever. I'd always find ways to talk to her, that being just sending letters to her, using someone's phone, using a phone box, sending some people, who we both knew, to her. There was no way I'd leave Asha behind.

My lordddd, some frigging construction woke me up today. Cant be having this. Bad morning, pls come make it brighter. Thank you, google.

My friend, Peach said to me. Peach was someone I could not spend a whole day with, unlike Asha. I have to take her in small chunks. Her idea of a terrible life, is no Micheal Kors, or caviar.

"MUMMY!" Screamed Victoria as she ran into my room, her arms in the air with her favourite teddy, dressed in her princess onesie. She jumped onto me and I let out a gasp, making sure she doesn't miss the bed. I held her close to me as I planted kissed on her head. Her ocean blue eyes mixed with her dirty blonde hair and long lashes, she was such a gorgeous  baby girl.

"How did you sleep, baby?" I asked her, cradling her in my arms. She fiddled with her favourite teddy, that was a teddy koala, and nodded her head at me.

"I had a dream of being in a jungle with big animals" she informed me. I put on a surprised face, opening my mouth and widening my eyes, at her.

"No you did not!" I gasped. She covered her mouth at me while she giggled.

"Well, we need to get you to play group"  I sadly told Victoria. She pulled a sad face at me and I pressed my nose against hers gently.

"Then when you're back. We'll make some brownies"
I whispered to her. Her face quickly lit up and I giggled to myself, seeing her so innocent and so happy. She put her hands on my cheeks and she pushed our faces closer together.

"We make the BEST brownies in the whole world. No cheap things, mummy. Get the better stuff" she ordered to me.

"Eye-eye captain" I joked. She giggled and let me go. She crawled out of my bed and ran outside. I smiled to myself and ran a hand through my hair, then went to go shower, to drop my children off at school, then go see Asha and Peach, then therapy...

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