Chapter 4

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"Mum! Pleaseeee can we have Chinese tonight" Tyson begged as he swung his legs back on forth, on the stool at the breakfast bar while he ate his cereal. I took in a deep breath while I cleaned up the kitchen, putting away the children's cereals and wiping away the spilt milk.

"Well, what about McDonald's?" I asked the three children, who was snacking on their breakfasts but very concerned about this evenings takeaway. Victoria however, was just sat in her high chair while she ate her small bowl of cocoa pops. I wasn't those mothers who gave them 3 home made meals a day, and give them their 5 a-days everyday. I just feed my children, like warm up some chicken nuggets in the oven instead of making home made chicken nuggets.

"Can we get Chinese?" Asked Will nicely with his little lisp, who had little brunette curls that fell in front of his face.

"It's time to get you guys to school, how about we talk about this after school?" I suggested to my kids, who didn't talk back - except Tyson, who was grumbling under his breath. Tyson grabbed his lunch from the fridge and walked right past Henry, who just entered the kitchen. Henry had to dodge Tyson, because they both spun around the corner at the same time.

"Sorry, bud" Henry chuckled at Tyson, who looked clueless as he wandered down the corridors. Henry then looked over and made eye contact with me. I gave him a faint smile then noticed his suit and brief case.

"Don't say... you're going away for the weekend?" I groaned to him, while I wiped Victoria's mucky face using my sleeve then carried her in my arms. She still had her toy koala in her hands, like every other day. I also decided to tie her luxurious dirty-blonde hair half up and half down today. She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder, looking behind me. Henry just anxiously scratched the back of his head.

"They want me in LA for the weekend, for a book tour. I'm sorry, hun, I really am" Henry reached out and stroked my arm, then put his attention on Victoria. Although I know Henry is a published writer and goes off to sign books, he tells me before and not on the day, which seems... off.

"Whos daddy's favourite girl. Ooh, I hope mummy didn't hear" Henry giggled to Victoria as he took her out of my arms. I just put on a smile at his dumb joke, with one hand on my hip, and Victoria just had the biggest and cutest smile on her face while she kept glancing between Henry and I.

"Come on, sport" Henry hollered to Will, who was still sorting his bag out. I noticed he seemed to be packing a lot in his bag, making me pull a face.

"You get V and Tys to the car, I'll get William out" I whispered to Henry, who had no complaints while he carried my daughter out. I slowly walked over to Will, to see him packing loads of his toys.

"Sweetheart, there will be toys at school" I reminded him, kneeling down beside him to tuck away some of his curls behind his ear. He had such dark eyes and such a small button nose, he looked so much like Henry.  No offence to the local mums, but my children are the cutest angels there are.

"I-I know but I really want to show everyone them" Will whimpered to me, while sucking his hand. I gently grabbed his arm and pulled his hand out of mouth - I had to get him out of that habit.

"I'm sure there will be another time but for now, they have to stay here and they will be right here when you get back" I promised him, but he still didn't seem happy about it.

"But-but-" he whimpered, glancing between me and the toys.

"I promise you, you can bring them in another day. Just not today, honey" I gently told him, playing with his curls a little.


Henry stopped the car outside Hannibal's office. I quickly undid my seat belt and tried to unlock the car door but Henry grabbed my wrist. I sighed to myself and adjusted my position on the car seat then slowly faced him.

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