Chapter 8

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I adjusted my sun glasses on my face while watching my children swim around with their father, that was a lying bastard - I checked his credit card. Champagne, motel room, no LA tickets and I can't forget to mention the $300 missing from my bank account. He had a dumb fucking smile on his face while he kept our happy daughter afloat, while I stayed in the sunshine, dealing with being sick still but it only felt like a hang over now.

"I got you some water, hun" Asha whispered in my ear then quickly sat down beside me. I smiled at her then went back to relaxing in the sunshine.

"Thanks" I replied to her, taking a few sips.

"Course. Hey so uh, about this guy you're talking to me about... he wasn't yesterday's guy was he?" She nervously asked me. I just started to giggle and she quickly slapped my thigh playfully.

"Grace Elise Parker, you did not" she gasped to me, trying to keep her voice low. I made sure Henry didn't hear but Tyson splashing around seemed to make this conversation mute.

"Oh yes I did. Anyway, Henry's a cheating bastard himself" I sighed to Asha, taking more sips of my water. She raised an eyebrow at me while slanting her head.
"Oh I didn't tell you?" I rhetorically asked her. She shook her head at me and I slowly sat up from my relaxed position.

"Oh is it that serious that you had to move?" She joked. I smirked while grabbing my phone on the table beside me and showed her his credit details. Her eyes widened as she saw more and more of the wrong things. The worst part, I didn't even feel sad. I'm angry that he left his children for some mistress, that's what I'm feeling.

"Wow, that's... quite evil, actually" Asha whispered to me, slanting her head at the phone. I nodded my head at her then went back to laying down. I let out a relieved sigh once I was comfy again and sipped some more of my ice cold water. Asha stared down at me, unimpressed.

"What?" I asked her, holding back a laugh.

"You just found out your husband is fucking some random chick than rather be with your kids. Doesn't that get you feeling anything?" She questioned me, taking off her sun glasses to show her angered expression.

"I'm angry that he doesn't want to father his own kids, yes. But that only means it's more for me to use against him in court for when we do divorce and it'll be soon because he's already moving on" I ranted to Asha. While I was whining to Asha, I saw Henry get himself and Victoria out the pool. Tyson was still doing tricks into the pool and Will was happily floating around.

"Hey, Henry. Hi, baby" Asha grabbed a towel beside her and dried off Victoria, with smiles both on their faces. I peered up at Henry, who had water run down his chest and I noticed he was growing his stubble out and his hair was almost covering his eyes. I looked away from him and adjusted the sun glasses on myself.

"Grace, hun, can we talk?" Henry asked me, with his hands on his hips. I glanced up at him again and caught Asha stopping drying Victoria, with her eyes wide and she looked frozen almost.

"When the kids are asleep" I whispered to him, since I can tell Victoria didn't like the nerving atmosphere. Henry peered down at nervous Victoria and sadly nodded his head, then made his way into the kitchen. Asha and i shot over at each other and Asha looked like she was about to self-destruct.

Peach's POV

I sat in my bed, all alone. The mirror that was in front of my bedroom, showed my black, silky night gown and I realised I shouldn't be sad, I'm beautiful. I picked up my phone from the nightstand and adjusted my hair then video called Henry. I adjusted how I looked through the phone and adjusted how I laid on the bed, showing off my cleavage. Once he answered, he had a wet body and hair. His hair fell in front of his face, looking more handsome than ever.

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