Chapter 3

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"I mean, Henry and I married way too young and nobody was there to stop me" I shrugged my shoulders at Dr. Lecter, while I took a sip of the rich red wine he provided me. Dr. Lecter adjusted his position on the couch, tapping on his glass. The fire, located in front of us, was the only light source in the dark room, giving it a crimson orange colour to Hannibal's face and the walls. I watched Dr. Lecter slowly sip his drink while watching the cosy flames dance in the fire.

"You mentioned your friend, Asha. What is she like?" Hannibal asked me. A smile instantly grew on my face, just about the thought of her. I eagerly sat up and shuffled a little closer to Dr. Lecter, who had a faint smirk on his face.

"She is the fucking best" I whispered to him, our face inches away from each other. He tilted his head at me with a raised eyebrow, not moving away from me.
"When I left my foster family, I went to her house to say goodbye. Of course, she didn't want me to leave but I had to... I didn't entirely leave her there. I sent her letters, or people to pass a message on. It all worked in the end, every word got to her. Then, once we were older, we reunited and she loves my kids. I mean, they call her aunty which is so adorable" I giggled to myself, just thinking about when Asha went into the pool with my kids and when I told her about being pregnant with Victoria.

"Did she know your family?" Dr. Lecter whispered to me, finishing his glass. I met his eyes for a moment, but quickly looked away. Talking about my family is difficult, I can barely stand it. But I have to here.

"She did. I mean, so did peach but- Peach had a thing with my brother before things went down. I uh, I didn't know at first but.. but I don't blame them from hiding it from me" I stuttered a lot with my words, since my throat felt like it was being squeezed wifh barbed wire. I felt a hand land on top of my thigh. It was so long since I felt proper physical touch that I liked. I slowly turned to face Hannibal, who was staring at me intensely. I felt my heart drop to my stomach and I was frozen, I didn't know what to do.

"I understand things may be difficult to discuss, but there is no rush into this. You may shut me down whenever you need" Dr. Lecter comforted me. I gave him a weak smile then finished the rest of my glass. He removed his hand from me and I just wanted to snatch it back. His hands were rough and veiny, then with his watch also on him - he was irresistible.

"Thank you, doctor-" I muttered to him but he quickly spoke over me.

"You may call me Hannibal" he told me confidently. I chuckled a little while wiping my teary eyes, without noticing Hannibal collecting a tissue for me at first. He held it out to me and I hesitantly took it off him.

"Thanks" I mumbled to him while wiping my eyes.

"Of course, I hate to see such a beautiful woman be so upset" Hannibal spoke to me softly. I quickly spun my head around to face him, to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"Was that-" I went to ask but my phone suddenly went off. It made me jump and completely stabbed the tension that I was adoring.
"Shit, I'm sorry..." I embarrassingly said to Hannibal while I searched my pockets for my phone. Once I had my phone, I saw Henry was calling me at 9PM.
Shit, I'm so very late. I quickly answered the call and pressed the phone against my ear.
"Hi, Henry. I'm sorry, I lost track of time" I told him down the line while I ran a hand through my hair. Meanwhile, Hannibal collected the glasses and left the room, to give me some privacy.

"That's a lot of time you lost track of.... I collected the kids from school, they did their homework and they had some food. Now they're asleep"

Is he... telling me off for not being a mother for one day. God, this bastard! I've had no fun for 7 years and now he had to be a proper father, a father who's actually feeding their children and tucking them to bed. For now, I won't say anything. I'll just apologise and go home.

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