Chapter 6

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I frantically sat up from my slumber, gasping for air. I grabbed my throat as I felt the smoke inflame my lungs again and feeling the flames burn into my face, causing my eyes to water and my skin to melt. I felt the sweat on my body, making me stick to my clothes and I wiped my eyes as I slowly rocked myself.


I opened my eyes to realise Victoria was asleep next to me. I swung my head over at her, to see her tired eyes stare up at me and her hair a little messy and she had a little sad face as she sniffled. I always tried to hide these things from my children but I didn't think any of this through.

"I'm so sorry, baby... i only had a bad dream" I brushed her hair out of her face and gave her a sweet, motherly smile. Yet she still kept sniffling. Although I was a little sweaty, I gently wrapped my arms around her and stroked her back. She squeezed onto me and her Sniffling got a bit more intense. This is all my fault, i dont think I can forgive myself for this...


I carried Victoria downstairs to find the bathroom. I took steady steps to not disturb Victoria napping on my shoulder and my face got hit by the most delicious smell, that made my mouth drool and suddenly gain an appetite. Oh finally, breakfast.

I hurried into the kitchen to see Will tiredly eating his bacon and eggs, his eyes barely open and his silence. Tyson was beside him, energetically feasting upon his omelet while also being silent. Oh shit... Hannibal. Hannibal was hovering over the oven, flipping the pancakes and hearing it sizzle in butter. I just stood frozen. I'm not even sure if last night was a mistake. He's great... great and cooking, great at eati- *ahem* great at being good licki- LOOKING... oh fuck me- I MEAN fuck my life. Oh FUCK he's looking at me, and I'm just staring at him, surprised. He smirked at me then looked down at the pan, with his hair falling in front of his face.

"Good morning ladies, I trust you slept well. Breakfast?" Hannibal lifted the pan to show the contents - pancakes - and then went back to cooking them. I peered down at sleepy Victoria, to see her wiping her eyes while also holding onto her teddy. The smell of pancakes must've boosted her Energy for the morning.

"Yeah.. sure" I smiled to him nervously. I just crept over to the High chair and placed down Victoria on her chair and I sat myself down, helping myself to the cup of coffee I found on the breakfast bar. All that's on my mind, last night. I really do want to say it's a mistake but at the end of the day, I loved it. I must say, he's brilliant. Oh and his lips! The feeling of his hair. I need to snap myself out of this. I gave Victoria the small bowl of strawberries to snack upon, then tried to make myself look busy.

"You boys okay?" I asked. Small talk, the perfect diversion. Will nodded his head, with egg yolk around his mouth, making me smile. Tyson finished his mouthful before he spoke.

"Yeah. You?" He politely asked, sipping his orange juice. I opened my mouth to say something but a rough hand landed on my shoulder, squeezing a little and Hannibal presented a fresh stack of pancakes on a plate. They were the perfect golden brown and the Icing sugar and strawberries, they were perfect.

"I hope you like them" he whispered to me, our faces inches apart. It felt like instinct to kiss him but not in front of the children. He gave me a grin then walked away from me.

Hannibal's POV

Grace kept her head down while she ate her food, because she was embarrassed about last night. Of course, I know she enjoyed it but she cannot say that, because of her marriage. She'll try to repress her feelings and avoid me, but she'll come to her senses later on.

Henry's POV

I was woken up by long hair tickling my face. I spat it out of my mouth to realise Peach was leaning over me to grab the remainder of the alcohol. She was still Topless and in her panties from last night. I was also shirtless but I had my black work pants on. We didn't say much of a word to each other, she just sat herself back on the bed while drinking and I was trying to open my eyes. I groaned to myself while slowly sitting up. I glanced over at Peach, who was texting Asha. Maybe she'll tell what's going on between and sabotage my marriage... fuck. I checked her phone to see her talking to Asha about a girls night.

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