Chapter 7

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I rested my back on the bed frame, while gipping in the bowl rested on my lap. I involuntarily gagged into the bowl again and once the wave of nausea passed, I tucked the strand of my hair - that escaped my ponytail - behind my ear and slowly rested my back against the bed frame again. Suddenly, I heard footsteps make their way up the stairs and closed my eyes, assuming it was either the children or Peach and Asha.

"I heard you are unwell, I am sorry to hear that"

I quickly shot my head over, irritating my migraine, to see Hannibal slowly walk over to me, with the door closed behind him. Well, shit... if anything out of the ordinary is said between Hannibal and I, Asha and Peach will catch on that my therapist is the man who I am currently obsessing over. I just stared at him, with wide eyes and slightly dropped mouth, while he sat himself down beside me, placing his trench coat on the side of my bed.

"You're the last person I'd want for you to see me like this" I tiredly said to him, feeling like my stomach is doing flips inside me. I had a poorly done up ponytail, a yellow-pale face, a plain grey, dirty shirt along with holy leggings and old fluffy socks. He slanted his head at me and felt my forehead. Just him taking my temperature turns me on about him. He sighed while withdrawing his hand and checked the watch on his wrist, while I wanted him to touch me again.

"You are burning up, quite extremely. I could only imagine it was the food or the alcohol in your system, causing such a catastrophe" Hannibal informed me. I slowly tucked my legs in towards me a little and went to speak but I gipped again - embarrassingly too. He nudged closer to me and stroked my back, so soothingly. I let my head rest in the bowl and let out a noise of relief, he's already working his magic on me.

"Henry is coming home soon, to have to baby sit me because I'm so fucking stupi-" I quickly gipped again and Hannibal didn't even hesitate his movements, which made me feel a little relaxed that this isn't bothering him.

"Do not worry, I can cook warm meals for your children, take care of their basic needs and your friends will not have to feel an entitlement to caring for you" Hannibal offered to me. It was a good offer, making me think, but it was also a lot to suddenly take on. I tiredly shook my head at him, while feeling the most unbearable thing.

"Don't feel like you owe me anything either, I'd be happy to do so" He promised me. I tiredly giggled to myself and slowly raised my heavy head up at him, to see him staring at me, looking emotionless - almost as always.

"My husband will be home soon, and already thinks I slept with you" I joked to him. He smirked to himself and looked down at his lap. Suddenly, the door swung open and I peered over to see Peach standing in the door way, with one hand on her hip and one unimpressed look on her face - she definitely heard that... but it's not like I admitted anything, right?

"Yeah, it would be bad if your loving husband came home to see your therapist putting his hands on you" Peach snarled to Hannibal, who didn't show a reaction - nor did he withdraw his hand. I groaned to myself, preparing for an argument when I feel like crying till this all over.

"Peach... he's making sure I'm alright, I don't see the harm in that" I sighed to her, yet it didn't seem to shift her from her obnoxious opinion.

"That's why Asha and I are here for you, Grace" she angrily spoke to me. This fight isn't worth a massive fight over, especially since I'm too tired for it. She shot her head over to Hannibal and Hannibal didn't seem threatened by her - which also turned me on even more.
"And you. You've seen her now. Her panties draw is to your left and I can cut some of her hair off of you" she insulted to Hannibal.

"Peach, what the fuck?!" I gasped to her, making me feel worse all over. Hannibal simply let go of my back, making sure he quickly cupped secretively, which made me remember when we kissed - the best kiss.

"It is perfectly alright Grace, I understand... I'll be downstairs preparing you some chicken soup" Hannibal does not like to stand down, I also like that. I had to hold back a snicker and played it off by hiding my face in the bowl, for a chance to gather myself together. He made his way past Peach peacefully, who had her jaw dropped with an angry look on her face.

Asha's POV

I helped cut the chicken while the man who introduced himself as Hannibal, cut up all sorts of different herbs and spices, informing me about the nutrients you get from that, it was surprisingly interesting. Peach was too busy sulking in the living room, because she is whining about him but when is she not whining about a man who she doesn't know properly.

"So, you said you also teach?" I asked him again, peering up at him then quickly looking back down at the cutting board.

"I was educating students three years ago, then I went back to my career" He replied to me. He's had a lot of cool experiences, which makes me find him cool... even with the suits and the way he talks.

"Did you know how well they did?" I asked him. He pulled a strange face at me, that made me burst out into laughter. Then, that made him make a few laughs himself.

"Of course not, but I'd like to think well" he joked, adding into our laughters.

Will hopped inside the kitchen and ran around with his paper airplane, making noises to resemble a plane. He jogged past Hannibal and I then ran back out the kitchen.

"Oh kids man, I normally find them seriously frustrating but you gotta love these kids. They're special" I whispered to me. He smiled down at me then tipped all of his cut up herbs into the stewing pot.

"They truly are one of a kind" he replied to me, making me giggle that slowly developed into a burst of laughter.

Hannibal's POV

While Asha was laughing while assisting me in the kitchen, I heard the front door slam shut then Tyson shouting 'dad!' - Henry's home. Asha and I exchanged looks and she almost looked worried, only making me concerned. She rushed out the kitchen, leaving her at station, then ran over to Henry. I followed her out the kitchen and I knew this would make Henry's mind race, seeing me In his home.

I turned the corner to see all his children hugging any limb they could reach. Peach was smiling down at Henry, obviously, while Asha played with her hands, anxiously staring at children.

"Hey guys!" Henry whispered to them while kissing each of their heads, fuelling their happiness. Everything seemed happy, until Henry met eyes with me. I almost felt his heart fall to his stomach with him, and feel the stump growing in his throat. He choked on his words and couldn't stop staring at me with wide eyes. Asha caught on and exchanged strange looks between Henry and I, as did Peach.

"This is Grace's therapist if you're wondering why a strange man is in your house" Asha joked, but that wasn't why Henry was so scared. I tilted my head at him then he quickly shook himself out of it and responded to Asha.

"Oh, right" he laughed. I caught Peach staring at me with a malevolent look on her face, but I took no notice to her. I instead, slowly approached Henry with my hand in the air. I stopped in front of him and analysed the pure anxiety and fear in his face - it almost drained the colour from his face.

"Hello Henry, I'm Dr. Hannibal Lecter. It is a pleasure to finally meet you" I slowly spoke to him. He hesitantly shook my hand and I could feel how shaken his hand was.

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