Chapter 2

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"Tell Henry to suck my huge ass balls. Why didnt you just get outta there with your babies?" Asha waved her hand in the air, to show off her way of a slap. I giggled at her then sipped more of my Frappuccino. I love that I can go to my girls about anything, and talk about yesterday when Henry pulled me back, without feeling embarrassed or pathetic.

"Oh god yes, girl. My GOD, that man is going to the death of me, he's just a serial killer in the making" groaned Peach, cupping her pumpkin spiced latte. Peach wore all her expensive cosmetics on her face and took extra care today, since she just had her nails and eyelashes done. Her hair was nice and straight, that brought out her dark brown eyes. I checked the time on my phone to see it was 9:30, and I have go to my therapist in half an hour. I collected my things off the table while Peach kept playing with her hair while talking about her holiday, that nobody cared about.

"Going so soon, Grace?" Asha asked me, looking up at me with her adoring, but sad looking face. I sighed as I tucked my chair.

"Sorry guys, emergency" I sighed to them, putting my hands in my coat pocket to scrap together the money for my drink.

"Does Will have the measles? Oh gosh, that poor little baby" Peach gasped, covering her mouth, still avoiding to mess up her nails. Asha pulled a confused look at Peach, as did I. Asha and I then glanced over at each other then snickered.

"No.. Will is.. fine. I need to go for an appointment" I exclaimed to Peach, who embarrassingly adjusted her hair again and put her hands on her lap. I placed down a $5 bill on the table but Asha quickly slapped it back into my hand. I looked over at her shocked, while I just aimlessly held the money in my hand.

"It's $5. We got it covered, bye baby mama" Asha smiled at me and I smiled back at her, tucking the money back into my pocket.

"Bye guys" I gave them a slight wave as I headed for the exit.


"Mrs. Manson?" My therapist asked out, I catched his accent and he was not a local man. My name suddenly being called out, made me jump to my feet. I felt so venerable and stupid, like he was the cat and I was the mouse.  Once I finished adjusting my shirt, I looked up to be greeted by a very, very handsome man. He was smirking at me while opening the door up for me. He had grey streaks in his hair, that made his deep brown eyes pop out more. He styled his hair up slightly and I noticed his formal suit, with a patterned red tie. I also felt a little underdressed now.

"Please, do come" Dr. Lecter hand gestured inside his grand office. As I nervously walked past him, I could smell strong, expensive, attractive aftershave on him. No, I shouldn't be attracted to anyone. I'm married! But married so young. Once my eyes met all the expensive furniture and grand walls, I gasped and it made me automatically slap my mouth. I'd never imagine being in a home as big as this, it would cost me the rest of my life just to pay off a corner of the room.

"Wow... your office is just... wow" I murmured to myself, unable to speak properly. My therapist huskily chuckled while he slowly walked over to stand beside me. My heart skipped a beat once he looked deeply into my eyes. This is the part where I wish I was just sometimes living in a romantic novel, where he just kisses me right here and promises me the world, of course I need to get my head out of that.

"Why thank you, I brought the pillars in from Greece. Do you know about Greek mythology, Mrs. Manson?" Dr. Lecter asked me, slanting his head at me. I had to gather myself together before I spoke. I awkwardly - and nervously - shook my head at him, clutching onto my coat. He glanced down at my hand at for a moment then back up at me.

"I must apologise for being so rude. If I may" Dr. Lecter spun around and helped me take my coat off. Feeling his rough finger tips brush trace down my back made me feel electricity run through me.

"I have an interest in Greek mythology... and it's Grace" I told him weakly, running a shaking hand through my hair. I watched my therapist hang my coat up then he pulled out a notepad and pen, then sat himself down on the leather chair.

"Please, sit" He hand gestured to the chair directly in front of him, while he crossed his legs. I hurriedly sat down, and adjusted my posture as I sat down.

Hannibal's POV

I analysed her every move. She fiddled with her cheap wedding ring as she bit her lips. I secretively sniffed the air and played it off as a cold. She reeks of anxiety and awkwardness, it almost burns my nostrils - like bleach. Grace also looked tired, although that doesn't surprise me since she is a mother of three, three very lucky children indeed.

"May I ask a personal question?" I asked her politely,  clasping my hands together. She looked at me a little concerned, but I held a straight face.

"Yeah, sure" she nervously answered, changing her position on the seat again.

"Your husband, I'd like to know a lot about your husband. What was he like before your marriage and after" I asked her, leaning on the chair. I noticed her body language freeze up and she couldn't look at me as she spoke.

"We we're only 15 when we met. We were young, and naive. We had our first boy when I was 17. Henry would work and I'd stay home. One day... I just lost what I used to feel for him, it wasn't like he did anything to me but... I didn't marry that Henry. I married someone else. The only thing I will thank him for, is my kids" Grace answered to me. Interesting, she doesn't love him like she used to.

"How has he changed" I asked her. She just shrugged her shoulders at me while chuckling nervously.

"I just hate him touching me, I hate seeing him there every morning" she confessed, using a stern tone at me.

"Why not divorce?" I questioned her.

"I'd lose everything. I can't get a job because of-... because of what happened..." I noticed her voice shake a little but she gathered herself together and kept talking.
"That means no income. All my money is wrapped up in that house and I'd lose everything... and I mean everything, including my children" Grace told me, holding back a few tears. Don't worry Grace, I'll make sure you're no longer with Henry but with your children too. I'll make him disappear, nobody will suspect it was me but they could suspect it was you.

"You cannot get a job, because of the tragic fire and you was sadly, the one survivor. I sense you carry the feeling of guilt on your shoulders, and you are always afraid" I leaned forward to her and she kept her eyes on mine, as I spoke those words to her. I know they cut deep, but I need a reaction. I need something. She wiped a developing tear in her eye then looked down at her lap.

"When was your last day that you felt freedom, and no responsibly?" I asked her, slanting my head at her.

"Uh... I can't-I can't remember" she stuttered. She pulled a confused face down at the floor while she tried to recall any time.

"Would it be considered in appropriate if I offer you a glass of red wine?" I smirked to her. She giggled to herself and her laugh warmed me up inside.

"I think it would be, but I can keep a secret" she promised me, smiling. I'm glad you can keep a secret, I hope we can be a secret. One big secret.

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