Um.. Pardon?

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"What?" I ask in disbelief, "What do you mean 'I fell for Santa's chimney?!"

I am so confused.

And cold.

But mostly hungry.

"Well," Chris got up and cleared his throat, " We put you in a chimney, Jordan is 'Santa,' the chimney is a joke. You fell for Santa's joke!"

What. The. Heck.

"Okay, that just makes soooo much sense now!" You could see the sarcasm dripping from my voice.

I am totally lost if you don't already know. 

"Yes, so now," Jesse says as he circles me, still stuck in the chimney might I add, "We have a proposal for you." 

"A proposal?" I question, already scared of what the outcome might be. 

"Yup!" I hear Jordan yell up. "Hurry up so we can go home! Santa won't come if we don't!" 

Rolling his eyes Jesse looks at me. "If you pretend to go out with me,  we will stop bullying you."

My heart stopped. 

"Um..... Pardon? Je ne ai aucune idée de ce à dire. Pouvez-vous se il vous plaît répéter ?!" Don't judge me, when I get nervous french comes spurting out of mouth!

"Esther," Chris puts his hands on my shoulders, "Calm. Calm. SHHHHH. Calm." 

Taking in a deep breath I look back at a pacing Jesse. "Why?" 

"Because, we need help winning the girls back."

The girls. 

Otherwise known as Lily, Kim, and.... Elizabeth. 

Ever since seventh grade they have been the 'It' couple. But they broke up right when school started. 

"Why do I have to date you?" 

"Because I'm the leader of this group."

"Will I get out of this chimney?"


"Buy me food."

"Will you agree?"


"Then we have a deal."

What just happened? I heard food and agreed to something..... Oh. The agreement. 

"Yippie." I murmer, shaking my head to get the collected snow off.


"So, let's go over the plan once again." Chris growls and walks around my room.

I have been unstuck from the horrid chimney and am now wrapped in my heated blanket.

"I will invite you people over for dinner tomorrow and after that we will go shopping to fix my horrid look." I mumble. I want to sleep so bad right now. 

But, the boys are sitting on my bed while I sit on my carpet. My arm is still being as stupid as ever and we are discussing the plan for tomorrow. 

"No! No no no no no!" Jordan exclaims and shaking his head at me. " We shall go shopping tomorrow afternoon after opening presents!" 

"Right...." I trail off. 

"I can't wait to see your dad again! He is so funny! It will-" Chris elbowed Jordan in the sid causing him to shut up. 

"What?" Jordan asks. "I'm just excited to talk with-" Chris pushed Jordan off the bed. 

I just sat on the floor looking at the carpet. He didn't even know. I bet Jesse didn't know either. Chris probably only knew because his dad worked with my dad. 

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