Drunken Deeds

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"I want to loose my virginity tonight." I announce while sitting in front of the party house.

The house was large, with flashing lights and electronic music.

The boys all look with wide eyes at me.

"What?" They exclaim in unison.

"I want to-"

"We heard you!" Chris says from the drivers seat, "But.... Why? I mean I've done it loads of times, and it's not that great. Don't you want to save yourself... For the right person?"

"Psh," I say with a laugh, brushing my hair out of my face, "After the new year I am not going to go back to being the small normal Esther Hall. I'm still going to be getting high scores in my classes, but I'm not going to try to be unnoticed. Jesse," I look at him, "You wouldn't date someone as ordinary as me by choice. So you won't. I'm taking this whole deal with total seriousness, if you want to get your girls back I'll have to make them want you back. The only way to do that is to get them jealous. I mean I'll have to act all horny anyway, why not actually know what I would be like."

With that I opened the car door and went into the party.

You must still be wondering what happened with Jenny.... Let's go back to two hours ago. It was 6:00 pm. I had just had Jesse's hands wrap around my waist:

"Oh crap." I mutter.

"Caught you." He whispered in my ear.

"Jesse, I cannot go. Jenny cannot be left alone, and I have no one else to baby sit her." I slowly turn to face him. His eyes are dark. "Jesse?"

"Esther, you have to." His grip around my waist tightens. "You are my girlfriend."

"Fake." I remind him and manage to shimmy out of his grasp. "If you find someone to watch Jenny I'll go. And I will wear that skimpy dress."

Jesse smirks even more.

"Jordan!" He hollers, and Jordan comes walking into the hallway.

"Yup?" He asks while smiling at me.

"What did Daniel say?"

"He said he would gladly watch Jenny for five dollars an hour."

My mouth drops open.

"You suck." I say while glaring very harshly at Jordan.

"If looks could kill..." Jordan whispers to Jesse.

"You would be more dead than my goldfish."

I can't help but crack a small smile.

"So, when is Danny going to be here?"

Daniel, or Danny, is the only gay person in my grade. He isn't all girly with his gayness, he is normal but into guys. Danny and I are semi friends, meaning he at least knows my name. I trust him with Jenny. He was the only one besides me who didn't kill his egg baby last year.

"Around ten minutes." Jordan shrugs, "You should get ready now."

My eyes widen in remembering that I had to wear that dress. The stupid dress my mum bought me last year for 'boy purposes.' My mum honestly wants me to have a boyfriend so much it scares me.

"Fine." I huff and walk back to my room. "Hey," I say while looking back at the boys, "Make food for Jenny. She's hopefully still in the kitchen."

"Got it Esther!" Jesse says while heading down the stairs. Jordan not a moment later goes and follows him.

"Gosh, what have I gotten myself into."


Ten minutes later I was in my dress, makeup done, and hair curled. The dress was red, silky, strapless, and had sparkles at the top. My makeup was not much (since I couldn't wear any) and only included some bright red lipstick.

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