School Of Drama

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Song: American Idiot Green Day 

Hope you enjoy!


"Esther, wake up honey." 


This conversation seems very familiar. 

Cracking open my eyes, I see my mum in her business suit.  "It's time to get ready for school, you have half an hour before we are leaving."

Slowly sitting up, I check my phone. Sure enough it says 5:30 am. 

"Mum," I say grabbing her sleeve before she goes into the kitchen, "The boys are actually picking me up."

Her eyebrows raise, but she still says nothing.  

Mum then makes her way into the kitchen to prepare some sort of breakfast. 

Going upstairs into my room, I take a shower. 

Once I got back out of the shower, I dressed in a nice black sweater and a red skirt. Lacing up my black combat boots, I begin to think about if I had any homework. I don't think I did. Hopefully I didn't.

After curling my hair and putting on some chapstick I go downstairs. 

My mum was collecting her bags. "Esther, I have to leave now, the pancakes are on the table. Mary will be watching Jenny today so when you get  home remember to pay her. I left some-"


"That must be the boys," I say while grabbing my phone off the table. 

"Esther, grab a pancake." My mum states while making her way out the door. 

I hear it slam and I grab my school bag. Going into the kitchen I quickly stuff a pancake in my mouth. Then I head out the door.

Sure enough the boys are there. Jesse is in the front seat, Chris is driving, and Jordan is in the back singing along to some song. When seeing me, Chris honks the horn and gestures me to get in the back with Jordan.  Rolling my eyes I head over to the door of the blue Buick. 

"So," Jesse asks while Chris begins to drive down my driveway, "I'm going to act as if you are my girlfriend. Which you technically are. We have to get this right if we want the girls back. Okay?" He glances back  at me. 

"Okay." I answer and look out the window. 

It had started to snow and it was coming down in piles almost. The whiteness covered the trees and the ground like a big white blanket. 

Then the school comes into view. 

I groan. 

When we are parked the boys shoot out of the car, I slowly follow behind. Jesse notices my slowness and practically drags me through the snow and to the school. 

People are everywhere. Chatting, laughing, gossiping. 


Keeping my head held high, I grab Jesse's hand. Together we all walk through the hallway. Jesse slings his arm over my shoulder and I tense. 

"Relax," He whispers in my ear, his voice soft and small. "If you want people to believe it you have to relax."

So I do. I lay my head on Jesse's shoulder as we walk down the hallway, my hand grasping his hand that was slung over my shoulder. We make our way to the senior hallway before anyone actually notices us. 

Lizzie was the first. 

She was leaning up against her locker, gossiping with her little monkeys when she saw us. 

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