it's beginning to look like a scomiche christmas

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*The Grassi-Hoying's celebrate Christmas as a family! Liam is 15, Hudson is 12, Sophia is 10, Isabella is 8, Sawyer is 7, Amelia is 5, Joel is 2 and Gabriella is 15 months! Enjoy! Love • Bree 💚🎄🎄❤️*

Today is Christmas Day at the Grassi-Hoying household!

"LET'S GO! LET'S GOOOOO!" Joel says as he jumps up and down in lots of excitement.

"Yeah! Yeah! Come on, Daddy and Papa! Let's go downstairs!" Amelia says as she holds Joel's hand, jumping up and down with him.

Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella and Sawyer all stand with Joel and Amelia, all excited to go downstairs as well even though Liam hates getting up this early.

"I am soooo excited to see if Santa came to our house last night!" Sawyer says to his siblings happily.

"Me too! Me too! I'm sure he did! Santa ALWAYS comes to our house!" Isabella says to Sawyer with a cheeky smile.

"I don't know how he does it all! Maybe he has brothers that look like him and do some of the work!" Sawyer explains to Isabella.

"Maybe! But everybody is on different time zones too!" Isabella says as she and Sawyer both giggle at each other.

Liam, Hudson and Sophia smile at their five younger siblings, seeing their happiness in their belief of Santa Claus. Liam, Hudson and Sophia all don't believe in Santa anymore but the three of them promised Scott and Mitch that they wouldn't say anything. 

*Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Joel and Gabriella's Christmas pajamas*

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*Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Joel and Gabriella's Christmas pajamas*

"Liam! Did you see or hear Santa last night? You were up late!" Amelia asks Liam with a big smile. 

"No, I didn't! He comes in houses quietly so even if I was awake I wouldn't have heard him." Liam says to Amelia.

"Santa must have came later then because we have to be asleep for Santa to come!" Sawyer says to Liam causing Hudson and Sophia to both laugh.

"You are right, Sawyer! So right!" Sophia says as Joel hugs her.

"Did you see or hear Santa last night, Huddy?" Amelia asks Hudson.

"No, I didn't! I went to bed early last night!" Hudson says with a cheeky smile at Amelia. 

"Are you excited for Christmas presents, Joel?" Sophia asks Joel as she hugs him.

"Ya! I cited! I cited!" Joel says, jumping around and holding Sophia's hands.

Just then, Mitch, Gabriella and Scott all walk over to where Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia and Joel are standing patiently to go downstairs.

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