baby #8 pregnancy update

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*Mitch and Scott give their fans a baby #8 pregnancy update! Thank you so much to tayland1999 for this suggestion! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see in this book! Love • Bree 🌸🌸🌸*

Right now, Mitch and Scott are both sitting together in their office / studio! Scott is finishing up some work while Mitch is relaxing which is a rarity now a days!

Mitch and Scott have both been doing a lot of promotional work that involves Pentatonix's brand new EP they just released which is called At Home!

Mitch and Scott are both happy to be working because during the quarantine has been making them lazy and not do much, so having work to do is making them more motivated to do other things!

Right now, Liam is playing Fortnite in his bedroom with his friends online, Hudson is playing Animal Crossing with Addison online, Sophia and Isabella are playing with Sophia's dollhouse and Sawyer and Amelia are playing with Sawyer's HotWheel track!

Joel was taking his afternoon nap in his bedroom but he woke up earlier then usual due to teething. Joel has three teeth coming in at the bottom.

Mitch is setting up his vlogging camera on his desk because he is going to film a quick pregnancy update for everyone since everybody has been asking a lot questions about how he is feeling and how the pregnancy has been this time around!

"Do you wanna sit with me while I film a quick pregnancy update video, Scotty?" Mitch asks Scott softly.

"Sure! I'll sit with you, Mitchy!" Scott says as he sits down next to Mitch and tenderly kisses his cheek, making Mitch smile ear to ear.

"I love you." Mitch says to Scott softly.

"I love you too." Scott says to Mitch as he rubs circles in Mitch's back.

Just then, Joel slowly crawls over to both Mitch and Scott and he begins to fuss a little.

"Da da! Pa pa!" Joel says with a big frown at both Mitch and Scott.

"Hi, baby boy! Hi! Come here! Come here! It's okay. It's okay, baby." Mitch says as he picks up Joel and groans a little since Joel is getting heavier.

Mitch sits Joel in his lap and Joel babbles softly, making Mitch and Scott both smile at him.

Mitch kisses Joel's cheek and rubs his back as Joel lays his head on Mitch's shoulder.

*Joel's outfit*

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*Joel's outfit*

"Do you want a toy, Joelly?" Scott asks Joel with a cheeky grin.

"Uh huh!" Joel says to Scott as he yawns big.

"Here you go!" Scott says as he hands Joel a frog shaped teether and Joel begins to happily gnaw on it to help his teething pains go away.

"Do you wanna sit on Papa's lap, Joelly?" Mitch asks Joel.

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