joel's nursery reveal

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*Mitch and Scott reveal baby Joel's nursery to everyone by filming a YouTube video! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see in this book! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🍫*

Today, Mitch and Scott are going to film Joel's nursery reveal video to post on their Superfruit YouTube channel!

Scott has worked very hard on Joel's nursery these past few months and he is proud of the final product!

Mitch absolutely LOVES and adores baby Joel's nursery! It is everything and more that he wanted for his fourth son's nursery!

Liam and Hudson also helped Scott along the way and Mitch is very proud of his older sons for stepping up and helping their Papa!

Scott and Mitch are both in Joel's nursery and they are getting ready to film to nursery reveal video.

"Are you ready to film, Scotty?" Mitch asks Scott as he fixes his baggy t-shirt and rubs his baby bump.

"I'm ready, babe! I'm just waiting for you!" Scott says as he kisses Mitch's cheeks, making Mitch blush.

"Let me fix my hair really quick and then I'll be ready to film, babe. And oh, can you tell the kids to quiet down so we can film the video without them screaming.

"Sure, baby." Scott says as he tenderly kisses Mitch and Mitch smiles at him.

Mitch walks into the master bathroom and begins to fix his hair. 

Scott walks out of Joel's bedroom and hears Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia all playing loudly.

"Hey guys! Keep it down, please! Daddy and I are about to film a video about Joel's nursery." Scott says to all of the kids.

"Okay, Papa!" Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia say in unison.

Mitch walks back into Joel's nursery and smiles at Scott.

"Ready, Mitchy?" Scott says to Mitch.

"I'm ready, Scotty!" Mitch says happily to Scott.

Scott then turns the camera on and begins to film Mitch.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to Joel's nursery reveal video!" Mitch says as he poses playfully and Scott giggles behind the camera.

"Scott and I are so excited to finally show all of you baby Joel's nursery! His nursery is finally complete after working on it these past few months! Scott, Liam and Hudson all did such a wonderful job working on Joel's space together and Joel's nursery is absolutely perfect for him! Obviously, Joel won't be using his nursery until he sleeps through the night which will be a few months after he is born, but I am very happy his nursery is finally complete and all of his things we have for him so far are in here!" Mitch says as Scott smiles at Mitch, making Mitch's cheeks blush.

"If you hear children yelling in the background, it is just the kids downstairs playing Mario Party and Super Mario Maker together! It is way too hot to go outside and do anything today!" Mitch says to the camera.

"I told them to stop yelling but obviously they don't listen to me." Scott says from behind the camera and giggles, making Mitch giggle.

"They listen to Scott when they want to! Well let's walk into Joel's nursery and begin the nursery reveal and tour!" Mitch says with a cheeky grin and opens up Joel's nursery door.

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