bringing joel home

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*Scott and Mitch bring their miracle baby boy home! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 💙👶🏻*

After almost three days in the hospital, Mitch Scott and Joel can finally come home!

Joel has passed all of his newborn tests and is eating very well, so Joel is able to go home with Mitch and Scott today!

Since Joel was born before thirty seven weeks, he is still considered a premature baby. But thankfully, Joel is doing just fine and didn't need to go into the NICU or have any trouble eating, keeping his temperature up or other problems that premature babies can have.

Mitch is also very excited to go home, because he really hates being in hospitals and he hates being away from home, which is his safe place.

Mitch has just finished breastfeeding Joel and he is now burping him on his shoulder.

Scott ordered Mitch's push present a few weeks ago, but since Joel was born a week earlier then planned, it didn't come in time for Joel's birth.

But finally, the push present Scott ordered for Mitch has finally arrived and Scott wants to give Mitch his push present before they leave the hospital today!

Scott walks over to Mitch and smiles at him and baby Joel. Scott still can't believe that he and Mitch have another baby boy!

Mitch smiles ear to ear at Scott and kisses him tenderly twice.

"Baby boy is really milk drunk now. He freaking loves to breastfeed." Mitch says with a cheeky grin at Scott.

"Aww, he is so stinking cute." Scott says as he softly kisses Joel forehead.

"He sure is." Mitch softly says with a cheeky smile at Scott.

Scott then hands Mitch his push present and Mitch looks at Scott in utter confusion and disbelief.

"Mitchy, this is present for you." Scott says softly to Mitch and he softly kisses Mitch's cheek.

"Scott Richard Hoying! I told you to not get me anything and you didn't listen!" Mitch says to Scott as he hands Joel to Scott to hold.

Scott rocks Joel in his arms and Scott smiles at Joel and then at Mitch.

"Shh. I wanted to get you something because you freaking deserve it." Scott says to Mitch softly and Mitch tear up a little.

"Ugh, I am going to beat you up, Scott!" Mitch says playfully yelling at Scott and Scott chuckles at him.

"You can beat me up when I'm not holding Joel." Scott says as he kisses Joel's cheek.

Mitch then begins to open up his push present from Scott. Mitch pulls out a gold bracelet with his seven children's names and birth stones on it.

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