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Jamie Prescott was a very beautiful girl. To Woodsboro high, she was the 'it' girl, at least one of the few. There was no doubt that she'd get out of that small town one day and make it big. She dreamed of being an actress, a star on stage, or even on the silver screen. It was all she ever wanted. She could see herself on red carpets and eventually getting Oscars, golden globes.

    "Jamie," Mrs. Khris tapped on her desk. She glanced up at her teacher her big babydoll blue eyes wide and innocent. "I asked you a question."

    "Sorry, Mrs. Khris." She looked down at her paper. "Can you ask just once more?" She smiled.

    "Next time I see you daydreaming like that I'm writing you up." Mrs. Khris tapped Jamie's textbook. "Open to page 23."

    She was kind and nice. She liked being the center of attention, she liked that people thought she was pretty. The boys stared and some girls were jealous. When she walked through the halls she felt a sense of power.

    To the world her family was perfect, a loving mother, hardworking father, and cute younger brother. What could possibly be wrong with their family?

    "Be honest with me Michael!" Her mother screamed into her father's face. "Just own up to your bullshit for once in your fucking life!"

    He grabbed her by her collar. Jamie gasped, she pressed her back to the wall. Two hot tears trickled down her cheeks.

    "You bitch!" Her father called her mother lots of names. "You want the fucking truth! I fucked her. I've been fucking her."

    Her mother laughed manically. Jamie felt her chest rise and fall quickly. Her hand covered her mouth. "Sleeping with your brother's wife. God, you're pathetic!"

    Her mother left that night. Connor cried that whole first night. Jamie tried to talk her mother out of it. Asked her to take them with her, but her mother left without a second thought. Before that night, Jamie had never really felt so lost.

    She couldn't look at her father without wanting to scream at him. She couldn't act like nothing had happened. She hated her Aunt. Jamie was for once in her life feeling anger that she was worried would never quell. So she did other things to take her mind off of it.

    "Hey, Troy." She leaned against her locker. He pressed an arm above her head and leaned in. He gave her a gentle kiss.

    "You'll be at my game tomorrow night, right?" He asked.

    "Of course silly." She rolled her eyes. "I'm a cheerleader remember." She held up her pompom and waved it in his face.

    His pink lips curled up in a smile, "Oh duh." He licked his lips maybe afterward we could go back to my place. My parents are out of town." She looked up into his hazel eyes and felt heat rush to her cheeks.

    "Miss Prescott." She stood quickly and looked over at Principle Himbry. She combed a piece of her blonde hair out of her face.

    "Yes?" She looked over at the old man.

    "I need to speak with you in my office." He said with a frown on his face. "Something has happened to your Aunt." Jamie glanced back at Troy and then to her principal.

    The day Maureen Prescott was found brutally murdered, was a day she should have mourned. But all Jamie could think about was where her mother was? Was she alive? Did she find a new family?

    Screw her, she thought. That woman was nothing but a leech who took Jamie's picturesque life away with one horrible mistake. She didn't cry at the funeral but she did hold Sidney's hand the whole time.

    "She was attacked by a horrible man," Sidney whispered as tears fell from her cheeks. "The coroner said there were no signs of struggle but, I know he raped my mother, I just know it." She looked at Jamie who was already looking at her. "I'm going to testify."

    Jamie looked back at the grave that was being filled, "Did you see him leave your house though?" She asked.

    "Does it matter?" Sidney asked. "I saw the jacket, that was his jacket."

    "Why would he leave through the front door?" She asked.

    "My mother is dead." Sidney pulled her hand away and wiped her tears with a harsh swipe. "Someone has to pay, Jamie. Someone did this. I know it was him."

    She knew as well as anyone that, that man Cotton Weary was not guilty. He was a young idiot who got ensnared by Maureen's so-called charm. She wondered if Sidney knew what she was doing? Her cousin was headstrong and tough but, she was thinking with her anger. She had the privilege to do that. If Jamie did that the cracks in her life would finally shatter her image. Despite her desperate want to scream out about Maureen being an evil bitch, despite wanting to watch her father lose everything — she had something Sidney never cared about, a reputation.

    Jamie stood by herself at the memorial. She held a paper plate in her hand and picked at the snacks on it. Someone walked over to her and leaned against the wall beside her. She glanced up but back down at her snacks quickly. It was Sidney's boyfriend, the mysterious Billy Loomis, dressed in a black suit.

    "Everyone has been so worried for Sid." He said, "No one's checked on your brother or you."

    She shrugged, "It's okay. It wasn't my mom." She realized how apathetic she sounded. She should be crying. Maureen used to take Sidney and her to the zoo when they were kids. They spent every holiday together.

    "But she was your Aunt," Billy said.

    Jamie turned her head to the side and looked up into Billy's dark brown eyes. She'd always wondered how Sidney could date someone like him. He seemed dark, unreadable, and she didn't like how that made her feel. She let out a huff of air, "Honestly all this just reminds me that when I go home tonight my mom won't be there."

    "I didn't know your parents split." He said.

    "No one does." She leaned in, "One of the Prescott policies we live by, 'don't let anyone in on our dirty little secrets.'" She rolled her eyes and picked at the food on her plate. "She left a few months ago, we haven't seen her or heard from her since. It's almost like she's dead too."

    "I'm sorry." He said. Her eyes met his again. She could see that he meant that. She bit the inside of her cheek. "It's worse than death because you know they're out there somewhere but, you may never find them. Never be able to ask them, why?" He cleared his throat, "My mom left too."

    "I'm sorry." She whispered.

    It was the first time someone had acknowledged her broken pieces, the first time she had ever shown them. She didn't know what made Billy Loomis the person she felt open with but, it changed the course of her story forever.

Soo what do we think??
I'm working on both Scream 1 and 2 🤭 So hopefully i can get these chapters out fast

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