Attack on Elm Street

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40 Elm St was at the top of the winding street in the hills of Woodsboro. It was a big Victorian style house with dark wood paneling and a large porch. Jamie stared up at it from inside Billy's car.

"Sidney said you'll be home alone tonight," Billy said.

"Yeah." She said and looked back at Billy. She let out a huff of air, "I was thinking about going over to her but I don't know if she'll want me around."

"Why?" He asked.

"After lunch before running into you we kinda had a fight." She combed her fingers through her hair. Jamie realized talking to Billy about his girlfriend was a horrible idea. It'd put him in between a fight that didn't involve him and he'd naturally feel protective of Sidney. She closed her eyes and took in a breath. "I'm sure we'll work it out," She smiled. "We always do. I just don't think she'll want me over is all."

Billy looked at his steering wheel and picked at the leather. He nodded his head, "I'm sure she wouldn't care. I mean with everything going on right now, it'd be safer for you to be with her."

"I'm a big girl, Billy. I can take care of myself." She grabbed her bag from the floorboard. "I'm going in, locking all the doors, and going to bed."

He laughed, "Maybe add eating to that list." He turned to her, "Don't need you to go passing out on us."

"Wow," She narrowed her eyes but a smile still played on her lips, "First aid, a drive home, and a lecture on good health. The mysterious Billy Loomis actually has a heart of gold. Who knew?"

"Yeah, yeah. Don't go telling anyone," He said, "I got a reputation to protect." Jamie jumped out of the truck and looked back up at him.

"Be safe tonight." She said.

"I'll see you soon, Jamie." Billy waved at her before starting up his truck and driving back down the road. She watched his truck get smaller and smaller. Turning toward her house, she walked up the pathway and up the old wooden steps. She pulled the doormat up and grabbed the house key.

She thought about calling Sidney, the dark empty house was a lot scarier than she was prepared for. Every sound put Jamie on red alert. She went into the kitchen and leaned against the counter. There had to be something to eat but her father wasn't the best at keeping the kitchen stocked. He relied on take-out and giving out lunch money.

Her eyes trailed over to her father's liquor cabinet. No, she couldn't. He'd notice, he'd be pissed. She wasn't that kind of — fuck it. She straightened up and walked over to the large cabinet. Jamie wasn't an idiot; she knew where he hid the key. She knelt down and reached underneath the cabinet. Her father wasn't the smartest man but that worked in her favor sometimes. She grabbed the key and jumped up. Unlocking the cabinet she grabbed an open bottle of bourbon, moved into the kitchen, and grabbed a cup.

It was a horrible liquor, she hated the taste but at least she'd be able to sleep. She took a shot and her face scrunched up. She poured, what looked like to her, like two more shots into the cup and placed the bottle back. Jamie walked up to her bedroom.

She'd been thinking about what Billy said, about getting a second chance. It made her recount the past year and how much she really had changed.

Her world had been flipped upside down and her foundation cracked. She didn't know what to believe about herself or her family. She felt fearless and her dreams were larger than But then her mother left without looking back. Jamie stopped trusting her gut, she stopped daydreaming. She decided at some point that leaving Woodsboro was a silly dream. That acting, modeling, or singing was a dream that kids had. She had to become a woman for Connor's sake and her own. So she found a safe boy that was lucky to have her, who would never leave her. She'd make a life that was free of disappointment, she'd never feel alone or uncertain again...

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