with a set of lungs like that

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 Stu Macher's house was in the middle of nowhere. The perfect party joint for any high school kid. The long dirt road that led to his house was barely lit and the closest house was acres away. You'd be more likely to see a cow before another human.

Jamie Prescott used to be the life of the party. She'd be the girl on the table, with a beer in her hand and all the boys watching. She liked the attention and she liked that eventually Casey would have to pull her off the table and Troy would drive them all home. All the windows would be rolled down and her world spun. Not a thought in their heads, those moments were forever. She smiled at the memories.

Now she sat in the corner, watching the world go by and she didn't know which version of herself she liked more. She watched the girls, some were in the moment unbothered by the nervous thoughts that plagued them most days. Others pulled at their skirts, flipped their hair, and glanced around the room. Were they worried people were looking at them? Or were they afraid that no one noticed them? All of them would say they were in the moment, just like she would've but, she wasn't sure that's the truth.

Jamie sat there, dressed for the party, drunk enough to party, and yet she was glued to the seat. Why was this so different? Then she remembered when she danced on the tables she had someone in the crowd she would look to — someone to find in the crowd. She didn't need the whole world to love her, she needed one. It had been Troy for so long...


The name spun around in her brain, her eyes flickered to the door every few seconds, where was he? She wanted him to notice her. He made her head spin and her heart flutter.

"Caterer is here!" Tatum burst through the front door and Sidney followed close behind, she had a smile on her face. The crowd of teens cheered and the two girls walked through the living room and into the kitchen.

"Shit," Randy sat down next to Jamie. He had a whole stack of videos he was sifting through, "I think I brought too many." He looked up at her and his eyes widened.

"What?" She asked as her lips curled up in a smile. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"H-hi Jamie." He said.

"Hi, Randy." She took a sip of her beer.

"I didn't know you'd be here." He sat up straighter, "You know with everything going on." He said.

"My cousin's here." She said.

He perked up and glanced around the room, "Wait Sidney's here?" He asked. "I should've worn something better." He glanced down at his green shirt.

"Nah," she leaned forward and patted his shoulder, "You look great."

"You think?" He asked.

"Maybe mess up your hair a bit." She said and leaned back into the couch. He brush a hand through his hair and she nodded. "Perfect."

"Incoming!" Stu ran in with Tatum in his arms. Randy's eyes widened and he stood up from the couch as Stu jumped onto it, giggling as they fell. Stu locked eyes with Jamie, "Sup Jah-MIE," He grinned. "How's mi casa treating you?"

"You got a nice couch, Macher." She said.

"You know I also go sturdy tables. You know, for whenever you end up on top of one," He stuck his tongue out and Tatum nudged him.

"You're one to talk." Tatum looked at Jamie, "Dewey is gonna be glad you're here, Jamie. He's been worried about you like all day."

"He's here?" She asked.

"He dropped us off but, cause of everything going on he won't go far." She said. Sidney walked into the living room and she smiled when she saw Jamie.

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