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"My mom left us — left me because my dad cheated on her with Sidney's mom, too." He said. Jamie felt guilty that, that made her feel better. There was a weight lifted off her chest, he was in the same boat as she was. She wasn't alone, not anymore.

    "I had no idea." She looked up at him, "Does Sidney know?"

    "No. Besides she wouldn't believe it. You know that better than anyone. When she gets an idea in her mind there's no changing her mind." He stepped back from Jamie.

    "She doesn't get how painful it is, to have a parent just walk out. We don't get a funeral or time to mourn. We're just supposed to carry on... like nothing ever happened." She crossed her arms and pressed her head against the cool lockers behind her.

    "You don't have to." Billy pushed his hands into his pockets. "It's changed you, it's changed me. There's no reason to hide it."

    Jamie smiled but it didn't reach her eyes, "Come on, you know that's BS. You've hidden it just as well as I have," Her smile faded, "Do you love Sidney?" She asked.

    "Did you love Troy?" He asked.

    "No." She responded quickly.

    It looked like his lip curled up on one side but for only a moment before he turned to look down the hallway. "Stu's throwing a party at his place tonight. Everyone's gonna be there." He said.

    "Is Sidney going?" She asked.

    "If all goes to plan, yeah." He glanced back at her. "I want you there."

    "Why?" She asked but couldn't shake the feeling of butterflies in her stomach. Her heart beating faster.

    "Because there's still a killer lose out there. There's safety in numbers." He looked down the hallway.

    "I guess you're right." She said, "I'll go but there better be free booze." She smiled and he let out a small laugh.

    "I gotta go," He looked at her. "I'll see you there, Jamie."

    "See ya." She said as he walked down the hallway. She bit the inside of her cheek and took in a deep breath. Billy was something she had not seen coming. But now that he noticed her. She wanted it to happen more, she felt like she needed it. He never answered if he loved Sidney but, she hoped that he didn't. And that made her feel like a bad person but a part of her didn't care.


    Tatum and Sidney sat on the front porch of the Riley's house. Sidney felt uneasy leaving Jamie at school alone but she also knew that Jamie probably wanted to be left alone. Her mind was spinning, she couldn't stop thinking about the mask haunting her life and her mom.

    "Maybe Cotton Weary is telling the truth," Tatum said and Sidney's stomach dropped. "Maybe he was having an affair with your mom."

    Sidney's jaw clenched, "So you think my mom was a slut too?"She turned away from her best friend and crossed her arms.

    "I didn't say that, Sid." Tatum sighed. "But you know there were rumors. Your dad was always out of town on business. Maybe your mom was a very unhappy woman." She picked at her nails and shrugged.

    "If they were having an affair how come Cotton couldn't prove it in court?" Sidney asked. Her mom couldn't have been having affairs, she was a great mom who was always there for Sidney. She was never out of town, never staying at hotels.

    "You can't prove a rumor. That's why it's a rumor." She said.

    "Created by that little tabloid twit Gale Weathers." She stood up and paced the length of Tatum's porch.

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