Princess of Woodsboro High

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March 28th 1996

    Jamie couldn't recognize her reflection. She planned to get ready, to go to school looking as she always had. But she couldn't. She could barely move, her body was stiff, and her mind was all clouded.

    "Hey, pumpkin." Her father stepped into the door frame. The only acknowledgment she gave him was flicking her gaze up and meeting his reflection. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

    "Fine." She said.

    "You know you don't have to go today, right?" He crossed his arms. "You could stay here, rest up."

    "I want to go." She said.

    "Well okay," He pushed off the door frame and walked up to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder and leaned down. He gave her a gentle kiss on the head. "I was able to change my flight plans so I could be here when you woke up. Connor is staying at a friend's house for the next few days." He checked his watch, "You sure it's okay that I go?" He asked.

    "Dad, I'll be fine. Sidney's right down the street." She tried to give a convincing smile, it must've worked because he nodded, patted her shoulder, and walked to the door.

    "If you need any of the meds the doctor prescribed, they are downstairs." He glanced back at her once more. "Love you, pumpkin."

    "Love you." She said but it felt wrong to let escape her lips. She hated him, hated his shadow that hung over her, hated that she couldn't tell him that she knew he cheated. She brushed her hair gently, the back of her head bruised from the killer.

    She grabbed her backpack and gave herself one last look. A black shirt, jeans, and converse. It may have been the least dressed-up she had ever been going to school. She was hoping she could go underneath the radar. Her mirror was surrounded by pictures, she glanced at one of her and Casey. It was their freshman year, Casey still had braces and Jamie hadn't discovered makeup yet. Right below it was a polaroid of Troy and her at the homecoming game. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She couldn't just hideaway. She grabbed as many of the pictures as she could and put them into her bag.

    She had a slight limp because of the cuts in her feet. She ignored them and popped a pain pill. She made sure to take the entire bottle with her. She walked over to her car and jumped in.

    She was used to people staring at her but, not in this way. Jamie jumped out of her car and there was no set of eyes not looking at her. Freshmen whispered to each other. She raised her head high and reminded herself why she was there. She stepped out of the parking lot and onto the sidewalk. She had prepared herself for the wandering eyes and rumor mill of high school. What she wasn't prepared for were the news vans and reporters.

    A woman caught sight of her and ran up to her, "Jamie Prescott, can you tell us what the killer looked like?" She asked.

    "Was there anyone who possibly had a vendetta against Casey Becker, Steve Orth, or Troy March?" A microphone was shoved in her face.

    "Do you feel lucky you're alive?" Another one asked. She covered her face and tried to move past the sea of questions. She felt a hand settle on her back.

    "Okay, back off." She heard a familiar voice. "She's not answering any questions." She looked up and felt instant relief. Billy stood next to her, he was waving his hand in front of the cameras as he gently pushed Jamie forward. Somehow he got them past the barricades and into the school's main doors.

    She looked outside at the camera crews and then turned back to Billy, "Thanks." She said as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "That was... crazy."
     "Yeah." He glanced down at his feet and rubbed his lips together. His eyes flicked back up and met her's, "You doing okay? I saw the news this morning."

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