The Formula

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Jamie sat with the rest of what was left of the party. She wasn't really paying attention to the horror movie. Her mind was upstairs, wondering how long it took to just talk. She should've seen this coming. She thought to the past week, Billy was just being nice and she took it as something more than it really was. But a part of her doubled down, he liked her, he got so close to her, and they both had their parents fall apart because of Maureen Prescott. They shared something... they had to.

"How can you watch this shit over and over?" One of the guys on the couch asked loud enough for Jamie to leave her head.

Randy shushed him and leaned forward so enthralled by the movie. Jamie leaned back into her seat and crossed her arms.

"I wanna see Jamie Lee's breasts. When do we see Jamie Lee's breasts?" He asked splayed across an armchair. Without Tatum around, he messed with the girls sitting in front of him, and they loved it.

"Not until 'Trading Places' in '83. Jamie Lee was always the virgin in horror movies. She didn't show her tits till she went legits." Randy's grin was wide and Jamie rolled her eyes.

"No way." A dude said.

"That's why she always lived." Randy pointed to the tv. "Only virgins can outsmart the killer in the big chase scene in the end. Don't you know the rules?" He asked before slamming down the rest of his drink.

"What rules?" Stu asked.

"Jesus Christ, You don't know the rules?" Randy stood from his seat offended by this question.

"Have an aneurysm why don't you?" Stu asked and the girls in front of him giggled. He smiled down at them.

Randy paused the movie and stood in front of the TV. "There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie. For instance: number 1, You can never have sex." The group booed him and threw popcorn at him. "Big no, no! Big no! No!"

"I'm a dead man," Stu stuck his tongue out.

"Sex equals death," Randy pointed a finger in the air, "Number 2, you can never drink or do drugs." The group cheered to that, clinking their drinks. "No, the sin factor. It's the sin factor, it's an extension of number one. And number 3, never, ever, ever under any circumstances, say 'I'll be right back'," He finished as Stu got up and moved toward the kitchen. "Cause you won't be back."

"I'm getting another beer, you want one?" Stu asked.

"Yeah sure," Randy said.

"I'll be right back!" Stu's eyes widened and he screamed dramatically as he moved backward into the kitchen.

"You see you push the laws and you end up dead," Randy said. "Okay, I'll see you in the kitchen with a knife."

Jamie closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around her curled-up legs. She was tempted to walk home. Why did she even go to this stupid party? She didn't want to answer that. If she did... she'd spiral again and again. She really was alone now, no friends, no boyfriend, no mother. She should just leave Woodsboro and never come back.

The phone rang and Randy drunkenly stumbled toward it. He picked it up, "Hello?" He said. The movie played behind him but Jamie could only focus on the phone. Was it, it couldn't be.

"Holy shit." Randy turned to look at the group. He met Jamie's wide worried eyes. "Listen up. They found Principal Himbry and Britteny Daven dead. They were gutted and hung from the goalposts on the football field."

The guys jumped up and some of the girls followed after. In a matter of moments, they all jumped into their cars and drove off, hoping to catch a glimpse of the horrible murders. Jamie wished she could say she felt remorse but really she was just numb. That scared her more than the threat of a killer looming in the darkness.

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