Living in a Fairytale

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When Jamie was a little girl, she told her mother that she'd be a princess in a tower one day. She nWhen Jamie was a little girl, she told her mother that she'd be a princess in a tower one day. She never wanted to be the hero that saved the day or the princess that saved herself. She wanted to be saved by a handsome princess in shining armor. Her father had been the light of her life, the perfect example of a father and husband. She loved him so much that she'd cry when he'd leave for work and sit by the window waiting for him to come back at night. But as she grew older she saw the cracks in her parents' relationship... she saw the truth.

    After her mother left, she told herself that real love was still out there, she'd just need to look hard enough. Her prince would come someday. Troy wasn't a prince but she could pretend with him. His touch, his kisses, the way he smiled... it was enough. A distraction until the real thing came.

    As Billy picked up Jamie from the kitchen floor, he was gentle and strong all at once. He sat her on top of the counter and grabbed a towel. He wiped the blood and vomit from her knees. She closed her eyes and tried to settle her breathing. She created a better version of the story that was playing out in front of her, a story that she could live with...

    She'd been in a tower of expectation; to be a good daughter, a pretty girlfriend, a Woodsboro white picket fence wife. The demons that held her down were posing as family and friends but really they were just the bricks that built the tower high into the sky. The dragons forbid her from leaving her tower. So he had to slay them all... so she could be free. He taught her how to fight off the pain, to become stronger than she was, to be the star of her own story.

    So when he started explaining the truth, nothing really phased her. Because deep down she knew he was saving her, he was protecting her. He told her how in the beginning she was just another kill but, she'd proven herself smarter. He noticed how she was like him and that she could be the final girl.

    Of course, he said final girl but she knew he really meant princess. She couldn't let the rational voice win, she couldn't survive with sanity. So she slipped into a mindset that was better. She nodded at his words, didn't bat an eye when he said that her father was dead. Tatum, Casey, Troy, Dewey, Sidney, Randy... they were all dead, killed by Billy or Stu. Billy told her that Neal Prescott would be shot by Billy just as the cops arrived. They already had him in the ghost costume, everything pointed to him. She thanked him when he said that he killed Britteny for her. He was dangerous and wild but he was also brave and protective.

    "You're mine." He took a step forward. "I realized that early on." He pressed his hands onto her cheeks. "My final girl."

    She smiled, "I'm glad you chose me." She meant it too, she liked that he chose her over Sidney, that it was her with breath in her lungs and a beating heart. She'd forever be grateful for that. He stood in between her legs his nose brushing against hers.

    "You're perfect." He said before pressing his lips to hers. It was electric and passionate. One hand cupped the back of her head while the other stayed on her cheek. She reached up and grabbed onto his shirt. She could float away but his hands, his touch, his lips made her stay grounded. He was in control and she liked it. He pulled back and pressed his forehead against hers. Her wide eyes met his and she licked her lips.

    "I knew you could hear the truth, I knew you'd understand." He said with a small smirk on his lips. Jamie felt a weight lift off her shoulders, she wouldn't die. He wanted her to be alive and she was happy she'd proven herself.

    "What now?" She asked. She'd regret asking a question like that. It ended with her being stabbed in her side and her arm being sliced open. Billy and Stu did the same before, they made Jamie call the cops.

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