On the Record

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March 29th, 1996

There was a soft knock at the guest room's door. Jamie had spent another morning staring at herself in the mirror for too long. Only this time, she made sure she looked good. She prepared her answers to questions, practiced expressions, prepped the perfect outfit.

She wouldn't be caught off guard. She wouldn't let the world think she couldn't handle herself. And she hoped, if the killer was watching as she walked into the school with her head held high, he'd be shocked.

"Come in," She stood from the vanity and reached for her backpack. She glanced at the door as Sidney popped her head in. Her eyes took in her appearance. The short pleated black skirt, the tailored blazer, and makeup.

"You missed breakfast — Woah." Sidney blinked. "You look..."

"Like a million dollars?" She spun around before sitting on the bed.

"I was going to say like Gale Weathers." Sidney leaned against the door frame. "Why're you dressing like that?"

"This is how I always dress." Jamie pulled her clunky black Mary Jane's on and jumped up. "Did I ever tell you about the night my mom left?" She asked but didn't give Sidney time to respond. "I begged for hours as she packed for her to stay. Dad was on a trip, Connor was sobbing and I just kept begging. The last thing she said to me was 'You're a woman now, you'll be okay.' After that night I promised myself I'd never let anyone see me that weak ever again. So that's why I dress and act and talk the way I do."

"Jamie I — I'm sorry —"

"Let's just go to school." She said. "I don't need you to apologize. I just need you to stop questioning everything I do." She walked passed her

"He called me again." She said and Jamie stopped in her tracks. "Told me that I got the wrong man. Dewey told me this morning, that the calls didn't come from Billy's phone so —"

"So he's still out there." Jamie clenched her fists, the feel of fresh scabs brushing against her fingers. On one hand, she was thankful that it wasn't Billy. That meant she was right. But whoever this killer had a plan, and the idea of being the only one left — scared her. Everyone around her dying, would they come for her baby brother? She tried her best to neutralize her face as she turned back to her cousin. "They'll find him, Sid. All we can do is stick together at this point."


"This is school, girls," Dewey said as Jamie and Sidney jumped out of his cop car. Jamie glanced over at the reporters and her back straightened. "You'll be safe here." Sidney grimaced and looked like she was about to jump right back inside the car.

"Just do what I do." Jamie held out her hand, "Fake it till you make it." She waited for her cousin to place her hand in hers. She didn't really know why she did it but, it was like Jamie was watching her actions from outside of her body. In the movie, the final girl would support anyone around her — not that she was the final girl. No, she was just playing a part. Faking it till she made it out of that boring-ass town. Faking it till the killer was found.

Sidney nodded at Jamie but they only made it two steps before a reporter jumped in front of them. She shoved a mic in Sidney's face, "How does it feel to almost be brutally butchered?"

Dewey blocked the reporter, "Leave the girl alone, will ya? She just wants to go to school." He said.

Tatum grabbed onto Sidney's free arm. "Come on, Sid." The three of them moved forward but this time they stopped because Sidney froze. She looked back at a news truck.

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